An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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Hangzhou International School

Founded in 2002, HIS is an award-winning, non-profit international IB World School located in Hangzhou. Our diverse student body consists of over 950 children of foreign nationals from more than 50 nationalities. We offer both a rigorous academic curriculum and a well-rounded learning experience for students, from Early Years through Grade 12. Our mission is to provide international learners with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence within a caring community.

Facts about HIS

graduation cap

100% Qualified Teachers

earth globe

50+ Student Nationalities

circle of hands
65+ Student Co-Curricular Activities
ib score

34 Average IB Score

65% Faculty carry a Masters Degree or Higher
earth globe

25 Faculty Nationalities

open book
1:9 Teacher - Student ratio

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