* Required

Grade 5-8 Athletics Student Athlete Registration


Student Identification Details


Sports Registrations

Most team practices will normally run between 3:15-4:15. Cross-Country and Track & Field will be 3:30-5:00.

It is OK to select sports which have overlapping seasons.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Health and Medical Information

HIS requires all students to have comprehensive medical insurance. Students who have a PRC Identification Card can provide their ID Card number as their Health Insurance Number in the question below.
Students involved in Volleyball, Basketball, Soccer, Touch Rugby, Ultimate Frisbee who need to wear glasses should purchase prescription sports goggles/glasses or wear contact lenses. Some Referee/Umpires may not allow player to participate with regular prescription glasses due to risk of injury to the student and other participants.​​​

Liability Release

I hereby fully release and discharge HIS, its employees, school administrators, Board of Governors, and all other official representatives (collectively “The Released Parties”) unconditionally from all liabilities whatsoever arising from my child’s/ward’s participation in the above mentioned program, including any and all incidental activities related to it such as transportation. I hereby indemnify and hold The Released Parties harmless from any suit, claim, or damage, including all monetary damages, medical expenses, attorney’s fees, and all other claims which may arise as a result of any accident or injury as a result of my child’s/ward’s participation.

In the event of an accident or injury, I understand that HIS will make reasonable efforts to immediately inform me. I will be responsible to update contact information on file at the administrative office. In case HIS cannot contact me, I authorize HIS to act on my behalf to obtain medical care on behalf of my child/ward. I agree to pay all costs and expenses of and such medical treatment and will properly reimburse HIS for all related incurred costs, without exception and upon demand.

I hereby state that to the best of my knowledge, my responses to the above questions are complete and correct.

Parent / Guardian Permission

In representing a Hangzhou International School (HIS) team, the student-athlete and parents agree to the practice, tournament/travel schedule which will be distributed by each team’s coach and advertised on the school website/calendar/Managebac. The medical information provided when registering online for HIS Athletics is required for the administrative records of the HIS Athletic Department.

Injury and Medical Treatment: You understand and hereby authorize, appoint, and empower HIS and its employees to take action deemed appropriate for the benefit of the student in the case of an accident, emergency medical need or surgical procedure if a parent or guardian cannot be reached to make decisions. Further, HIS will not be held liable for giving such authorization. In addition, it is agreed to promptly reimburse and indemnify the school for any amount incurred as a result of the school giving the authorization to obtain medical care. You agree to waive any and all claims that you may have against HIS, its employees, board members, officials, and/or any individual members associated with HIS, other than those claims resulting from gross negligence or willful misconduct of the school. In the event of an emergency medical situation, the student will be transported to the nearest hospital facility. All students at HIS must have their own medical insurance. It is the responsibility of the student’s parents to ensure that the student is covered with current and comprehensive medical insurance.

Off-Campus Activity: Games and practices are sometimes conducted off-campus. By signing this permission sheet, parents are consenting to their child participating in off-campus activities. You will be notified of any upcoming off-site activities by the coaches / Athletics Department in advance.

Tournament Costs and Registration Fees: HIS assists athletes by subsidizing some of the expenses related to tournament participation including player registration fees and all bus transportation within Hangzhou to matches and tournaments throughout the season. Parents must share this responsibility as well. By signing this document below, you recognize and accept this responsibility and commitment. When a trip involves a cost (transportation, accommodation etc) a letter detailing these costs will be sent home with all related information for the trip/event and payment will be required by the stipulated date.

I have read and understood all the above conditions as well as the Student Athlete Handbook (available on HIS Website) and allow my son/daughter to participate in the HIS Athletics Program.

Responsibilities and Expectations of Parents

1.To review all the details with respect to the co-curricular activity specified in the Student Athlete Handbook which can be accessed on the HIS Website and all details enclosed in this booklet.

2. To understand that sport, recreation, travel, outdoors activities represent opportunities for accidents. Every effort is made to minimize risk and to ensure the provision of emergency attention as deemed necessary.

3. You may address any questions to the Director of Athletics, Coach, trip sponsor/advisor of the activity.

4. To have current and comprehensive medical insurance for your child applicable to all school-related activities both during normal school hours and co-curricular activities and excursions.

5. Should up-front payment be required for medical treatment, you agree to promptly reimburse and indemnify the school for any amount incurred.

6. As a spectator at matches, parents should demonstrate the same positive spirit of sportsmanship towards officials and opponents that we expect from our student athletes.

Student Athlete Eligibility Contract

This section relates to the STUDENT and should be read and understood by both PARENT and STUDENT

I acknowledge that I am a student, foremost, and have the privilege to participate in athletics as long as my academic and behavioral performance is satisfactory according to the teachers, principals, and coaches at HIS. It is my responsibility to maintain a healthy balance between academics and athletics. If I am unable to fulfill my requirements in all of my classes, I will not be eligible to participate in athletics.

I am aware that failing to meet all these requirements may cause me to be ineligible for athletics at HIS. This includes all tournaments, games, practices, or whole seasons. This ineligibility will continue until there are sufficient improvements in the requirements below, as determined by the Director of Athletics, in consultation with relevant teachers/counselors/principals/coaches.

In order to be eligible for Athletics at HIS, I must agree to all of the following requirements:

1. I must meet the requirements of the activity (attending practice etc.).

2. I make a commitment to my team/event until the completion of the season. Absence due to conflicts with other school commitments should be minimized and when necessary negotiated with coaches.

3. I must maintain adequate progress of 3* or higher on the IB/MYP scale in all classes. (Not applicable to Grade 5 students)

4. I will submit assignments complete and on time.

5. I will be present at all required teacher office hours/study sessions

6. I must maintain a high level of attendance to school and all classes.

7. I must be at school from 8:00am in order to qualify for participation in an athletics activity that day.

8. I must demonstrate courtesy and respect towards peers and teachers as well as adhere to the behavioral expectations outlined in the Student Handbook. I am expected to be a leader and promote good school citizenship.

9. I understand that the use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and other controlled substances at school or during a HIS sponsored event is strictly forbidden.

10. When involved in a group activity, I must recognize that to inconvenience or jeopardize the group is not acceptable. This behavior will result in subsequent disciplinary action.

11. As a participant on a school team or major event activity, I must abide by the school rules. This includes any guidelines, which may be relevant to the specific sport or activity at HIS.

12. I fully understand that as a member of team I am an official representative of HIS.

13. My actions in and out of school contribute to school spirit. This responsibility implies respect be given at all times to administration, teachers, coaches, officials, advisors, fellow students / members of the public, and the student body.

It is my responsibility to seek help from my teachers before any academic problems arise . Missing practice to fulfill academic commitments will not be held against the student athlete provided all relevant teachers/coaches are informed in advance and the absence from practice does not impact negatively on the rest of the team. At HIS, academia has first priority and athletics are a privilege which we believe contribute to creating a more well-rounded person.

Please provide an email address where we can send a link to your current form.

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