Hangzhou International School provides athletic opportunities for students to compete in 10 Varsity sports and 12 Middle School sports, as well as several Lower School sports and recreational activities.
Whether in practice or on the field of competition, the student athlete will learn the importance of dedication, communication, and perseverance. Sportsmanship is stressed and emphasis is placed on teamwork and cooperation. HIS students teams represent the school as the Golden Dragons. GO DRAGONS!!!!
High School Athletics - Grades 9 to 12
High school students participate in seasons of 10-12 weeks duration coached by faculty members with experience in each of the sports. Practices occur 3 times each week, normally between 3:30 - 5:00pm. Athletes get several opportunities to play matches after school against Hangzhou-based international schools as well as competing in multiple tournaments during the season in various Athletics conferences. Varsity teams will normally conclude their season with an ACAMIS tournament which involves a multi-day tournament format in host schools located throughout China and Mongolia.
Middle School Athletics - Grades 5 to 8
Students in Grades 5-8 have an abundance of choices which can keep them active and developing their skills and understanding in sports and recreation activities. Seasons are generally 6-8 weeks long and consist of two 1-hour practices each week, normally between 3:15 - 4:15pm. Within the season, some after school matches may be organized with other Hangzhou-based international schools to prepare teams for their season-ending tournaments.
Elementary School Sports - Kindergarten - Grade 4
Hangzhou International School offers a variety a sports and active activity options to students in Kindergarten - Grade 4. These are usually offered in 10-week blocks during our Co-Curricular Activity (CCA) programs which provide one practice per week from 3:15- 4:15 p.m. HIS faculty members coach these groups. Additionally, Physical Education classes may also be used to introduce students to specific sports in the lead-up to an upcoming sports carnival involving students from various other International schools.
CCA will be provided in the following sports and physical activities.
Soccer, Basketball, Touch Rugby, Taekwondo, Golf, Table Tennis, Flag Football, Dance, Swimming, Running, Tennis, Rowing, Volleyball, Badminton, Kayaking, Canoeing and Yoga.