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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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Athlete Registration and Handbook

Students are asked to register for athletics teams at the beginning of the school year to allow for adequate planning of seasons, matches and practices by the Athletics Department

At HIS we have a fully-inclusive* philosophy to student athletics - every student who registers for our teams will participate and there are no trials / selections / cuts.

*All registrations received before September 1st will be accepted. You should register for all of the sports teams that your child will join throughout the year. Registrations received after September 1st can be made but acceptance to teams will be based on availability.

In 2024-2025 we will use an electronic registration process which can be accessed by clicking on the Registration Button below. Students will not be permitted to participate in practices/matches until they have been registered by their parent/guardian.

Parents should complete the form for their son / daughter.  You should register for all of the sports teams that your child will join throughout the year. 

Further enquiries can be directed to


Grade 9-12 
Register here for Varsity Sports Teams
Grade 5-8
Register here for Sports Teams