Co-curricular Activities
Hangzhou International School offers over 100 Co-curricular Activities (CCAs) to all students from Kindergarten to Grade 12. The Co-curricular program allows students to develop talents in an environment that promotes the growth of leadership and communication skills all while being hands-on and engaging.
CCA Dates 2024-2025
* All registrations received during the registration periods will be given equal consideration, irrespective of when the registration is submitted. Registrations made after this period may not be accepted, and will be accepted subject to availability of places in CCA groups.
CCA 2 Registration
The CCA 2 Registration will be from Tuesday 10th - Friday 13th December
CCA 2 Activity Descriptions
All registrations received during this time will be given equal consideration and allocated randomly so there is no need to rush your registration.
Please note that you will need your Student ID Number to register for CCA.
This Student ID Number is found in each student's email address (5-digits).
A letter will be sent home with your child between 18-19 December to confirm their CCA2 activities.