An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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At HIS, we believe that it is important for students and teachers to gain an appreciation of our host country, China, during their time in Hangzhou.

Each year we have a 'week without walls' experience when Upper School students participate in action and service learning in various locations around China. China trips are a four to five day cultural and physical experience where students support environmental projects. They challenge themselves physically and mentally, learning about different elements of Chinese culture and environmental issues.



In addition to exploring different parts of China, students at HIS are exposed to new experiences, places, and activities that they may not normally have otherwise. These are educational trips, designed to push the envelope of learning and understanding.

HIS students will come to better appreciate China’s culture and history, become more culturally aware and sensitive, and understand how they can make a positive impact on others and the world.

Experiential Learning within Hangzhou

Using the rich environmental and commercial opportunities that surround Hangzhou International School, our teachers draw on our parent community and local businesses to provide learning experiences for our students. Through field trips to local museums, art exhibitions, and nearby factories, our students have a chance to explore the real-world implications of their content learning. Through lectures and interviews with members of our community, we expose students to possible future careers and interests.