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Hangzhou International School
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Screen Time

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Screenagers Official Trailer



Managing Technology Use Coffee Morning

Healthy technology use is very important in our digital age. Apps such as OurPact (iPhone and Android) and DinnerTime Plus (Android) can help you to schedule screen time on family devices.  The iPhone features full screen time controls and directions can be found here. Other helpful apps to consider are Freedom and Self-Control.

Recommended Screen Times


Daily Usage

< 18 months

0 Hours

2-5 years

1 Hour

> 6 years

1-2 Hours


It is impractical and incredibly difficult to completely limit the use of screen time in children and the average teenager spends 6.5 hours in front of a screen a day, but you can put parameters around their usage to mitigate the risks, and maximize the benefits.

A few tips:

  • Set rules for ‘no screen time situations’ – such as at mealtime, in bed, before school or in the car. These times should be utilised for speaking with your children, discussing their day, preparing for their day and resting — not swiping, watching and tapping.
  • Try to set daily limits — it’s okay to go over these limits every now and then when necessary, but treat this extra time as a privilege and not a given.
  • Combine learning with screen time. Limit the use of simple games or videos and replace them with apps or programs with some educational basis.
  • Make sure that screen time does not take precedence over or replace other important activities, such as exercise, outdoor activities, or reading.
  • Create ‘no screen time zones’ — particularly bedrooms for young children. If the digital screen is going to consume their attention, at least allow them to do it in the living room or in a family setting, as opposed to in isolation in their room.
  • Participate in screen time together! Research shows that using apps or playing digital games together can be beneficial, as it encourages dialogue and conversation — a vital element in the development of verbal skills.
  • It is recommended for students to have tech-free bedrooms. Students should finish their homework before entertainment screen time. Parents are the role models for their children and children can tell if their parents’ heads are always in their cell phones. For this reason, families are encouraged to spend media-free times together daily.
  • Parents, please keep in mind the recommended amount of screen time that your child spends on digital entertainment (excluding homework) each day. You are responsible for setting screen time limits for your child.


Screen Time