An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
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Coffee Mornings

You're invited! Parents and the community are welcome to join us for Coffee Mornings on Thursday at 10am. Each session runs for 60 minutes and occurs every second week.

Parental involvement is key to a child's learning. That's why we've created Coffee Mornings, a supportive platform that acts as both an informational hub and a thriving community. This is the perfect space for parents to connect, share experiences, and glean insights from HIS educators and professionals.

Every fortnight, we bring you a different engaging topic to ensure a diverse range of learning experiences. From university guidance and school counselors to mathematics and robotics, our sessions cover a wide spectrum of subjects. You'll have the chance to interact with the knowledgeable HIS team, who are passionate about their fields and will share tips on how we support our students.

Our goal is to empower HIS parents with the knowledge they need to actively participate in their child's educational journey. By attending Coffee Mornings, you'll gain valuable insights, practical tips, and a deeper understanding of how to support your child effectively at home. Take advantage of this exceptional opportunity to connect, learn, and grow alongside other parents at HIS.