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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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Community Updates

Dear HIS Families, 

Welcome to the 2024-25 school year at Hangzhou International School (HIS). The still new, purpose-built HIS campus is ready to receive over 970 students in just over a week’s time. Our school first opened its doors in 2002 and since that time has experienced phenomenal success. On the first day of school, August 14, we celebrate our 22nd birthday, and enter our 23rd year in Hangzhou. A dynamic international community of teachers, students and parents, great facilities and resources, and a holistic approach to teaching has propelled us to the forefront of education in Hangzhou. As the only internationally accredited WASC and fully authorized 3-program IB World school in Zhejiang Province, HIS is proud to be offering its unique and outstanding opportunities for the international community of Hangzhou. Once again, welcome to a new school year at HIS! 

HIS is and always has been a community-centered school, and through our growth and change, we have kept this core identity in ensuring our students have a caring and safe environment to learn a very challenging and rigorous curriculum. The HIS Board of Directors recognizes this unique schooling environment within the school mission statement: 

HIS Mission Statement 

We provide international learners with opportunities 
to pursue academic and personal excellence 
within a caring community. 

The HIS learning environment has a unique combination of internationalism, strong academics, varied arts and activities, caring atmosphere, and personalized approach that make us successful. 

Our key schoolwide learning outcomes are known as the General Learning Targets (GLTs).  GLTs are what we want ALL students to know and be able to do at any grade level or subject. 

HIS General Learning Targets 

A Solid Foundation of Knowledge 

Effective Communication 

High-Level Thinking 

Positive Behaviors and Approaches to Learning 

International Mindedness and Community Appreciation 


New Administration and Faculty 

We are pleased to welcome our new Upper School Principal, Ms. Cynthia Wissman and her new Vice-Principal & Diploma Programme Coordinator, Mr. Jason Benton.  In the Lower School, we are thrilled to have Mr. Jeff Hart joining our team as our new Lower School Principal. We are also very grateful to have an experienced Communications Manager, Mr. Simon Ostheimer, joining the Admissions & School-Community Relations department. This year, we have added a very experienced leader to provide supervision and coordination or our Mandarin curriculum with the addition of Ms. Vivian Zhang, as schoolwide Mandarin Coordinator. We have an additional 26 full-time professional faculty joining us for the 2024-25 school year, with additional expertise in the areas of aquatics, MUN, visual arts/film, programming, student support, design & technology, mathematics and sciences. 

New HIS Campus Capital Projects  

In addition to annual maintenance and facility updates, over the summer we made significant improvements to the ARC Center indoor/outdoor seating (and new snack bar), our Early Childhood indoor play area, and to our main theater steps (they were just too small!).  

HIS First Member School of Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) 

HIS is the first Safe Passage Across Networks (SPAN) member school in the world.  SPAN membership is a process that ensures we meet the highest standards in providing support for families in transition.  This includes support for new families, long-time community members, leaving families, and families who have already left HIS.  Our Transitions Committee will soon send out information about what transition support HIS provides, as well as opportunities for all members of our community to volunteer in the effort. 

Open House and New Family Orientation 

New Family Orientation will be conducted at 9:30am on the morning of Tuesday, August 13.  At 1:30pm that afternoon, the campus will be open to all HIS families to visit.  The first semester and first day of school officially begins on Wednesday morning, August 14, 2024, our 22nd Birthday. 

Below, I would like to introduce you to our administrative team for the 2024-25 academic year. I am very pleased to be working with such an outstanding group of educators who bring both experience and energy to our school. 



Email Address 


Mr. Jeffry Stubbs 

Superintendent of School 


Dr. Aaron Ayers 

Deputy Superintendent of School 



Ms. Cynthia Wissman 

Upper School Principal 


Mr. Jason Benton 

Upper School Vice-Principal  

& DP Coordinator 



Mr. Liam O’Shea 

Upper School Vice-Principal  

& MYP Coordinator 



Mr. Jeff Hart 

Lower School Principal 



Ms. Jessica Johnson 

Lower School Vice-Principal (Curriculum) & PYP Coordinator 



Ms. Rene Smal 

Lower School Vice-Principal (Curriculum) & ECE Coordinator 



Mr. Danie de Beer 

Director of Technology 



Mr. Filipe Nogueira 

Director of Athletics and Activities 



Ms. Andrea Stubbs 

Director of Admissions & Community Relations 





In addition to our New Family Orientation/Open House events, you will be receiving more specific details from your child(ren)’s Principals and classroom teachers/grade level advisors through about the start of 2024-25 school year. The information that follows is meant to assist you with the start of the academic year. 

Success at HIS is Based on a Foundation of Quality Relationships 

The success of Hangzhou International school has been built upon the strong, quality relationships formed within our school community. Time and time again, new families have come to our school because of positive referrals from returning families. Ultimately, our hope is that your child’s time at HIS will be the best schooling experience they will have in their lifetime, and that your family’s time in our school community will be a memorable one. We look forward to your active involvement in your child’s education. 

Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) Meeting 

The first meeting for the Parents and Friends Association of HIS will be held shortly after the start of the year. Further information about Parents and Friends Association (PAFA) and plans for the school 2024-25 school year will be sent out soon. 

School Uniforms 

All students are required to wear a school uniform. One uniform/PE set is included in the tuition and can be collected in the Dragon Shop (uniform store). Additional uniform items and dragon spirit merchandise may be purchased in the Dragon Shop located at the entrance to the Main Campus. The Dragon Shop will be open to parents from 8:15am – 4:00pm to parents during the school year (students will be able to access the store earlier). On the day of New Family Orientation & Open House, uniforms may be collected in the Lower School Gym on the Main Campus.  You are welcome to visit the school and pick up uniforms at an earlier date. 

HIS ID Cards 

VERY IMPORTANT: All adults are required to wear ID Cards and students wear uniforms while on campus for child safeguarding purposes. Upper School students are also required to present their ID cards when checking out materials, presenting or using library resources. Parents wishing to avoid the check-in/sign-in procedures at our school gates will need to present an HIS Parent ID card and always wear it while on campus.  

Please review the information on the website to submit your photo to the secretary for ID card generation. HIS ID card information  

We are also happy to arrange for a photo to be taken quickly at the HIS reception. We greatly appreciate your respect and support of our security measures as we work to ensure the safest possible learning environment for your children. 

HIS Policies and Guidelines 

Important information as relating to school policy or day-to-day operation can be found on the website at:  

COVID Regulations and Campus Entry 

As of August 05, 2024, there are no special regulations regarding COVID for entry to the campus. The school will continue to sanitize learning spaces and furniture and provide hand sanitizer at all entrances and throughout the campus interiors. HIS community members (students, faculty, and parents) are encouraged to stay home when having symptoms of any highly contagious disease. Parents and visitors with an appointment may enter the campus by checking in at the entry guard stations. Guards will issue child safeguarding information and issue a temporary ID card to always wear. In addition, parents will be allowed to escort their ECE children (Grades Early Years through Kindergarten) from 7:45-8:15am at the ECE Campus only. 

School Transportation 

If you have contracted school bus transportation, please make sure we have your current address and contact details, and you have received confirmation of your child's bus number and schedule.  Any questions regarding bus transport should be sent to the Transportation Assistant, Ms. Tracy Zhu (   

Food Service 

A weekly menu, along with nutritional information, can be found under the ‘INFORM’ link of the school website under the subheading ‘Lunch Menu’. Please inform your child’s teacher if he or she has any special dietary needs. 

Drop Off in the Mornings

Please follow instructions as presented by HIS staff with respect to dropping off or picking up your child. Also, please be conscious not to drive or park in any manner that jeopardizes the safety of anyone in the proximity of the school.  If you arrange for a carpool or driver to take your child(ren) to school, please make sure to arrange for the students to be safely escorted to the entrance gate.  

Students in Grades 1-12 should be brought to the Main Campus gate by 7:55am. Parents with appointments, uniform shopping needs, or invitation for an event, may enter the main campus with their ID badges AFTER 8:15am. 

Parents/guardians/older siblings of students in Grades EY-K ONLY may enter the ECE Campus gate to escort ECE students to their classroom between 7:45-8:15am but will need to escort their ECE student to the ECE entrance gate only if arriving after 8:15am.  Classroom instruction begins at 8:00am and ends at 3:00pm for all grades. 

ID’s, Pets, and Smoking

For the safety of all members of the HIS community, the HIS campus requires all adults to wear an ID badge.  Also, HIS does not allow pets or smoking anywhere within the interior and exterior spaces on school grounds at any time and all days of the year. 

Communication is the Key to Success 

At HIS, we know one of the strong points of a great school is effective, quality communication between the school and home. Indeed, Effective Communication is a critical area of focus at HIS and is one of our General Learning Targets (GLT’s). School to home communication is carried out at HIS in a variety of ways, including those outlined below: 


Type of 






Web Presence 

Accessible Anytime and Anywhere 

www.his-china.orgA place where current and prospective families can obtain important information about HIS, including our general and full activity calendars, daily school announcements, teacher web pages, lunch menu, and much more. The website also has a password protected access to school portals that allow current parents to access reports, ongoing assessment information, CCA sign-ups, attendance, schedules, library material check-out, etc. 





Information of a time sensitive nature and weekly updates on several topics.  Posted as email and on school website:  

HIS Superintendent of School Letters 


Quarterly and 

As Needed 

Announcements that pertain to all members of the HIS community 


Quarterly - Email link (hard copies available in the reception area) 

An important mode of communication regarding general topic areas. Includes the following: 

Program Features and Showcases Classroom and Student Sections Articles from HIS Faculty Activities Updates 


Back to School Nights 

The Upper School (Grades 6-12) Back to School Night will be held August 27. The Lower School (Grades EY-G5) Back to School Night will be held August 29. These evenings are designed to allow teachers to introduce themselves to their students’ parents and to share information about grade level or subject learning expectations. Further information will be sent to you by the division Principals. 

In closing, I hope that this information is helpful in answering any questions as we launch the new school year. There will be more specific information communicated by division Principals and the Transportation and Admissions offices. If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact any administrator.

Again, welcome back to our 23rd school year and GoooOOO Dragons!!! 


Warm Regards,

Jeffry R. Stubbs, HIS Superintendent