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      HIS DATES  

     Upcoming Events 

*12 December        LS Concert              10 am-11 am           Gr 1 & 2                1.30 pm-2.30 pm     Gr 3-5

*14 December   Parent Coffee Morning  Q&A with parenting  expert and guest    author Ms. Elizabeth Noske                    10 am-11 am          

*15 December  Last day of Semester        Reports home     

*8 January     Staff Professional              Inservice day (no school for students)

* 9 January      First day of Semester 2     for returning students                  

*15 Jan-29 March   CCA 2

*8 January   New Family Orientation      1.30 pm

*9-16 February        Chinese New Year

*11 March  Staff Professional Inservice Day (no school for students)   

*9 January-21 June Semester 2 2024

    Grade 4 Living Museum and Assembly      

During the unit “A Journey to the Past: Walking a Mile in their Shoes” under the transdisciplinary theme Where We Are In Place and Time, G4 students inquired into human migration throughout history. They learned about the history of human migration and the various push and pull factors that motivate people to migrate. G4 students then inquired into the personal experiences of people who have migrated throughout time. They researched a time in the past and became a fictional character migrating during that time. Students developed a story, based in research, and presented their “migration story” as their character at the Living Museum last Friday. Some stories presented were from the Song Dynasty, the California Gold Rush, World War 2, the Black Death and many, many more. Congratulations to the G4 students for a wonderful showcase of their learning throughout this unit of inquiry!

Congratulations to our U'14 Football teams, with several students from Lower School in the two teams. Also, to the fantastic coaches and parent cheer squad.


Grade 5C Welcome and host students from Binwen Elementary School

Meet the Vice Principals   Ms Jessica Johnson-PYP coordinator and  Curriculum    Ms Rene Smal-ECE Co-ordinator

Dear Parents,

Last Friday our fantastic 4th Grade students presented their Living Museum based on an in-depth inquiry into different historical migrations. Students embodied varying characters who participated in one of the migrations they learned about.  It was wonderful to visit different stations and hear students use strong communication skills as they confidently and eloquently shared their stories.  They were very knowledgeable about the migration journey they were discussing and included fascinating facts and storylines as they shared about their migration.   



Jessica Johnson

Lower School Vice Principal and PYP Coordinator

Dear Parents,

It is hard to imagine the first semester is coming to an end.  We have done so much with our ECE students.  As December is not the typically celebrated holiday of the year, there are great opportunities for our students to engage in activities during weekdays that might not be accessible during the Chinese New Year.  Here are a few ideas of things to do during this December holiday:

Visit some Museums in Hangzhou or the surrounding area

Go on a nature walk - talk to your child about how the seasons have changed and ask them what they notice

Go camping - Your child could help prepare for an outdoor camping experience.  Involve them in the process of packing and preparing whatever they might need.

Go to the theatre or the Cinema

Visit a public library

Read, Read, Read!

Head to the Botanical Gardens

We wish you a wonderful holiday and look forward to seeing you in the next semester!

Warm regards,

Rene Smal

Lower School Vice Principal and ECE Coordinator

Grade 9 ‘World of Work’ Experiential Learning

Grade 9 ‘World of Work’ Experiential Learning

Dear Lower School Parents:

The Grade 9 experiential learning ‘World of Work’ program has been running at HIS for several years now.  

The ‘World of Work’ is three days in which students seek out businesses, government programs, or volunteer organizations to experience more about what ‘the world of work’ is like.

By offering a G9 student a chance to experience the workplace, your business can: 

Help develop future international leaders;

Further develop its mentoring and leadership program; and

Deepen community ties with the leading international school in Hangzhou.

This year the program will run on June 11, 12, 13, 2024.

You/your business will receive a letter of gratitude from each student you place, a formal certificate of recognition and appreciation from Hangzhou International School.

Contact our MYP Coordinator/Upper School Vice-Principal, Liam O’Shea at if you might be interested in hosting a student this year.

CCA Fun and learning Science-balloon powered cars Basketball and Gardening Club-harvesting their spoils!


 Dear Families,

Winter Concerts Tomorrow

We are excited to have you join us tomorrow as we celebrate the end of the semester with our two concerts. Please come early to park and enter the theatre from the 4th floor.

Please scan the QR codes on the posters at the ECE, Main gate, and theatre entrances.

Grade1 & 2  start  at 10 am

Grade3,4&5 start at  1.30 pm

Please remember no food or drinks are allowed in the theatre.

Parent workshop with visiting author Elizabeth Noske

We had a wonderful and insightful workshop today looking at young people's unacceptable behavior and why they do what they do. we then examined how to respond appropriately to the behavior.

Parent Coffee morning this Thursday

Elizabeth will hold a question-and-answer session in the US library during our Parent Coffee Morning this Thursday at 10 am. This will be an informal meeting where any parenting concerns can be discussed, and Elizabeth will help to work with you on appropriate strategies and responses. if you missed the workshop, please come along and join this session.

No CCA's this week 

A gentle reminder that CCA’s for this session have finished.
There are no CCA’s this week except for a few paid ones on Wednesday and parents of those providers have been notified. 
Students need to be collected at the gate at 3 pm or take the 3.15 pm bus if eligible. Thank you for your support.

School Uniforms

I would like parent support and help to ensure that students in the Lower School from EY1 -grade 5 are dressed daily in the official HIS school uniform. Please visit the uniform shop and purchase additional items for the longer, cooler months ahead. As always, please clearly label any of your child's items. We will be monitoring the situation. 

I appreciate your quick support with this matter.

Health and Safety

As you all would be aware, it is flu season, and after many years of being isolated, we are all more vulnerable to the latest bugs. If your child is unwell, has a fever, coughing, nausea, vomiting, not eating, or generally not themselves, please keep them at home resting and monitor them or seek medical assistance if they don't improve.

Seasons Greetings and Thanks

The staff and I thank you all for your support and commitment to the School and your children. We have had a very exciting Semester 1 and enjoyed the many opportunities to connect and to learn outside of the campus. This would not have been possible without the many parents volunteering and supporting the Lower School.

We hope you have a joyful, healthy, and relaxing time with family and friends and that those traveling have safe travels. We have an even busier second semester, and I'm excited to see all the opportunities we can share together with our students.

I know you join me in thanking our fantastic staff for their continual commitment, passion, and hard work!

A reminder: returning students' first day of school is Tuesday, 9th January.

CCA 2  commences the week beginning Monday, 15 January

Warm regards,



According to social researchers, it is predicted that the current generation of students, Gen Z, will likely have 18 different jobs, explore six different career paths, and reside in as many as 16 different homes throughout their lifetime (1). Learning to engage in the process of transition proactively is a vital skill for success in the 21st Century. People develop and learn best when they feel safe, supported, and seen. By providing focused attention and nurturing whilst students are preparing for their current transition (within schools, between schools and beyond school), we help them to more effectively engage in all transitions in life – whatever the context.

5 Home Activities That Double as Great Learning Experiences

Being a parent is never easy, but adding the role of ‘teacher’ into the mix? That’s a whole other level of difficulty.

If you’re like most parents, you don’t have classroom experience or teaching strategies that allow you to coordinate learning at the dining room table suddenly. You can’t become a teacher overnight.

But you don’t have to. The home activities that you already do are full of learning potential for your child. All you need to do is encourage them to get involved.

Here are five engaging home activities that double as powerful learning experiences. They’ll give your child invaluable understanding and life skills, and you’ll benefit from fun bonding time.

Cooking together

Cooking ticks all the boxes of a meaningful learning experience; it’s fun hands-on, and produces a tangible (and edible) reward.

It is also one of the most valuable life skills you can give your child. They’ll develop:

Independence and self-sufficiency

An awareness of healthy eating habits

Mathematical skills such as measurement and ratio

Communication and collaborative skills as they work at a shared goal

Hygiene and safety practices.

Here’s how you can transform cooking dinner into a home learning activity:

Let them choose the recipe

This will give your child a sense of ownership over the activity and make the result that much more rewarding.

Get messy

Mess is necessary for your child to learn about shapes, textures and combinations in a hands-on way. You can also involve them in the clean-up process for added learning (see our tips below).

Set aside the time

You’ll want to talk them through each step and give them as much responsibility as possible, and that takes time. Weekends might be best.

Playing board and card games

Games are more than just a fun way to pass the time when you’re stuck indoors. Playing a board game also develops your child’s:

Mental agility

Ability to follow rules and instructions

Sportsmanship: being a good winner/loser

Communication and teamwork

Problem-solving skills

Decision making.

Almost any game you can think of has educational value. Here are just a few:


A great introduction to financial literacy. Encourage your child to think carefully about how they spend their money instead of splurging on every property they hit.


An engaging way to develop spelling and vocabulary. Keep a notebook on hand so that your child can write down new words they discover.


Research has correlated chess with problem-solving and mathematical skills in young learners. It’s easy to play online if you don’t have a board.

Card games

Even a quick and simple game of Go Fish exercises memory and pairing skills. Simple card games can also be played with siblings to improve communication.

Mathletics offers 100s of hours of engaging activities set in colorful virtual worlds.

Watching movies and reading together

Reading is the most time-tested way of learning at home. Take advantage of the extra time to share in the joys of storytelling together. Here are some tips:

Make it a routine part of the day. You will set your child up with reading habits that last when they return to school.

Take turns reading. Let them sound out unfamiliar words and more complex sentences.

Take the time to discuss the story as you go along. You will encourage them to think more deeply about its ideas.

Movies can also be transformed from entertainment to sources of learning too.

Start a conversation about the ideas in a movie by asking open-ended questions. Some examples:

Why do you think this character did what they did?

What did that make you think about?

What would you have done if you were …?

What part did you enjoy most and why?

Which character did you like the most and why?

You can use these questions and discussions as prompts for creative writing activities too. Here are some ideas:

Take a character from a book/movie and put them into a new setting. What would they be doing?

Write an alternate ending

Write a ‘deleted scene’

Put yourself into the world of the story. What would you do if you were in this world/situation?

Cleaning spaces around the home

Break down the skills involved in sorting out your child’s diabolical wardrobe and you’ll find that it develops:

Pattern awareness: ordering things in a way that looks consistent and appealing

Understandings of set and classification: separating tops from bottoms, jackets from shirts etc

Spatial awareness: folding and packing items so that they fit into a space

A sense of responsibility and ownership over the space.

Start by sorting a messy area of the house together. It might be a single drawer or the kitchen bench that steadily collects keys, coffee cups, and unopened mail. Your child will have to follow instructions and work out what goes where, just as with any problem-solving activity at school.

You can then task them with independently sorting out another area of the house. Then, they can use their communication skills by explaining the system they created.

The skills your child develops will be immensely transferable. They’ll apply the same thinking to mathematical word problems, structured writing, and visual tasks across all their school subjects.


CCA for K-Grade 5 students are from 3:15 – 4:15 with a few exceptions where the CCA will finish at 4:45. Please be on time to collect your child from the Main Gate at 4:15.  

If you have any inquiries relating to CCA, you can email  


Late Bus Service 

The late buses will begin service when CCA1 begins. If you are eligible for the Late Bus Service, you will have received an email this afternoon and now need to register for the late bus between now and this Thursday at 8am. 

Please note the following regarding access to late bus: 

If you do not register in time, you will not have access to the late bus for the 1st week of CCA. 

Only students who are eligible and registered for the regular morning/afternoon school bus service will be eligible for the Late Bus Service. 

Late buses are only for students who are registered and participating in one of our after-school activities on the day they wish to use the late bus (CCA, Swim Team, Athletics Teams, Performing Arts Rehearsals) 

Questions relating to the late bus can be directed to our Transportation Secretary MS. Tracy Zhu:  

When selecting CCA or Swim Team practice days, students should not register for any which conflict with their sports practice days.  

Students involved in Performing Arts rehearsals can participate in both activities if they can participate in at least 1 sports practice per week for their chosen sports.  

All information relating to HIS Athletics can be found at the following link:  

Registrations for sports teams are now open through the link below.  

                   GATE PROTOCOLS              

Wearing masks to enter the school is optional for students and staff. Masks will still be available for students who want to wear them. 

Procedures and Protocols

Please ensure that if your child is ill that they do not attend school. If your child continues with a high temperature or remains unwell, please seek medical support. We ask that parents err on the side of caution and keep children at home until they have fully recovered. 

Please note that if your child is absent due to COVID you must ensure they have a valid negative COVID test to reenter the school. Please forward your child's result to or


Moments 365 Help

Help with Moments 365 is available from Mr Emlyn Majoos (Mr.M) to ensure we have all parents using this platform.  If you need a Chinese or speaker of another language please contact Mr M.and we will arrange support.

Contacting Teachers

We ask parents to contact teachers via Moments 365 or by email. Teachers are busy working with students, attending meetings, preparing class materials, and ensuring student safety. They infrequently look at their computers or mobile phones and may miss your message. For changes to pick-up arrangements or urgent news, please get in touch with the school secretaries, who are online all day.

ECE             LS main building

Online teaching and Student/Teacher contact

For online teaching and correspondence between teachers and students we use TEAMS.

                     SWIMMING NEWS              

Congratulations to our HIS Dragons swimmers on some fast swimming this past weekend at the ACAMIS Senior Swimming Championships 23-24 in Beijing. All swimmers represented HIS very well, and everyone improved their times. Congratulations on their astounding achievements! 56 Personal Best Times, 12 US National Age Group Motivational Times, and 5 ACAMIS new records broken! Outstanding experience and tremendous performance from all student-athletes! Great support from our parents, coaches, and community. Kudos to our medalists, Harry Wang and Tina Liu.

Tina Liu – Gold Medal

100 Freestyle – 57.82 (ACAMIS Record)

100 Backstroke – 1:04.96 (ACAMIS Record)

100 Butterfly – 1:04.13 (ACAMIS Record)

200 IM – 2:23.73 (ACAMIS Record)

400 Freestyle – 4:31.98 (ACAMIS Record)

Harry Wang – Silver and Bronze Medal

400 Freestyle – 4:17.62 (Silver)

100 Butterfly – 1:03.39 (Bronze)


Hats off to the swimmers who set new HIS School Records from HISAC Round 1 and ACAMIS Senior Swimming Championships.

Age 9-10

Luke Petring – 4, Carol Zhong – 1

Age 11-12

Jean Mao – 6,

Relays - Shirley Lin – 2, Coco Jin – 2, Lisa Wu – 2, Helen Zhong – 2

Age 13-14

Tina Liu – 7, Harry Wang – 7, Carlos Chu – 1, Richard Xu – 1,

Relays – Paweike Tukula – 2, Anderson Lai – 1, Richard Xu – 2, Harry Wang – 2

Age 15 & Over

Amalia Borsdorf – 3, Ethan Li – 2

HIS Swim Records Link

Results Link:


Bravo, Jean Mao & Tina Liu!

SEMESTER 2 SWIMMING Swim Training resumes on Tuesday, January 9, 2023 (Afternoon sessions only from January 9 – 12). The swimming schedule will remain the same. There will be NO additional registration needed. Our swim coaches will conduct a swim placement assessment during swim practice in January upon our return from the break.


We appreciate you taking the time out of your weekend to support our young swimmers as they get the opportunity to experience our swimming program at HIS. Heartfelt thanks for your unwavering support! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our young swimmers!

Lane Timers: Vivian Chen, Bella Yun, YunJeong Son, Anna Galuszka, Emlyn Majoos, Lan Lan, Sunny, Shaoyun, Natalia Bohorquez, Limeng Jia, Laxmi Agarwal, Carli Borsdorf, Allison Wang, Amber Lam, Naomi Xia

Marshals: Simay Bastedo, Luna Yu, Young Kelly, Jodi Wood, Joanna Yan, Tina Liu,

Bullpen Lead: Zhipeng Xu

Announcer: Jeremy Moen

Runner: Doris Iburg, Aditya Sharma

Heat Winner Ribbon Volunteers: Summer Zhang, Vivian Chen, Sunny, YunJeong Son, Bella Yoon, Abby Wen, Maria Alejandra Jahn

Starter: Jeff Stubbs

Data & Scoring: Natalio Liares, Ruyi Fu

Tech/Music: Jacob Zhang

Swimmer Entries: Donal Sha, Kiki Hu

Nurse: Mandy Lai

Festive Cupcakes: Filipe Nogueira and Athletics Department

Event Poster and Swim Cap Design: Marketing Department

Hospitality: Andrea Stubbs

Event Set-up/Take-down:

Christine Shi, Felicity Jin, Xiao Han, and the Operations Team

Swim Coaches: Donal Sha, Kiki Hu, Zhipeng Xu, Ruyi Fu, Young Kelly, Simay Bastedo, Jodi Wood, Luna Yu, Nat Liares

Referees and Lifeguards


We wish you a happy holiday season. May your holidays be filled with joy, peace, and precious moments with loved ones. We look forward to seeing you all back in January! Stay safe!


January 20 & 21 – SSL Round 3 (NIS)

February 24 – SSL Round 4 (SASPX & SCISHQ PD)

March 15 & 16 – ACAMIS Junior Swimming Championships (XLIS)

March 30 (TBC) – HISAC Round 3 (WCIS)

April 13 & 14 – SSL Championships

Quick Links: Aquatics Calendar 2023-2024 Swim Meet Schedule HIS Swim Records Swim Meet

Quick Links: Aquatics Calendar 2023-2024

Swim Meet Schedule

HIS Swim Records S

wim Meet Results

                CCA INFORMATION                

Please visit the Co-Curricular page on the HIS website for more information  

You can also send an email to if you have any inquiries. 


Please assist staff by advising us early (before lunchtime) wherever possible, if you need your child to do something different at their usual pick-up time and location. Teachers focus on working and engaging their class while maintaining a safe environment. They get to their computers sporadically and may miss changes. In addition, some classes are with Specialist staff for the last lesson and bring the students to the pick-up locations. They may be unaware of last-minute changes.

If you need to make a late change to plans, I'd suggest you send a message to our Lower School secretaries, or in the ECE, and they can pass on your message.

              PAFA NEWS AND EVENTS         


PAFA Festive Lunch - A wonderful celebration before the winter break! (QR code with photos is attached)

Last week, PAFA Luncheon committee organized a truly delightful event to celebrate the upcoming holiday season. The Conrad Hotel in Hangzhou was buzzing with excitement as parents from all grades came together, dressed in shades of green and gold, to participate in the PAFA Festive Luncheon.

The event kicked off with a creative and engaging activity. Parents used green wine goblets as vases and with the help of oasis, fresh pine leaves, dried pinecones, candles, beautiful Christmas ornaments, they transformed their goblets into stunning festive centerpieces. It was a wonderful way to showcase their artistic talents and set the mood for the rest of the event.

Ms. Renata Branham, PAFA Luncheon committee chair, warmly welcomed the guests. The buffet opened, revealing a magnificent array of seafood delicacies and a variety of delectable dishes. The desserts were a treat to behold, with some specially crafted to match the joyful Christmas theme. The atmosphere was filled with laughter, conversations, and the delightful aroma of holiday delights.

The fun continued with a lively game. Each guest was tasked with drawing a Christmas tree with ornaments, a snowman with all its distinctive features, and a perfectly wrapped present. The catch? They had to draw on a paper plate placed on their heads without looking at it. The creativity and humor that ensued were nothing short of remarkable. The best drawing from each table was awarded, and winners received well-deserved gifts for their artistic prowess.

To keep the excitement going, a thrilling round of Christmas Bingo was played. The guests had cards with pictures on them, and they had to match the pictures called out. The guests enthusiastically matched the pictures on their cards and celebrated their victories with joyous cheers. Prizes were awarded to the lucky winners, adding to the festive spirit of the occasion.

The highlight of the luncheon was the much-anticipated gift exchange. Each parent had brought a carefully selected gift, which was assigned a number upon registration. The parents randomly selected numbers from a bowl, eagerly awaiting the moment to receive their surprise gift. The exchange was filled with delight and gratitude, as parents expressed their appreciation to one another through the thoughtful presents.

As the afternoon ended, the attendees gathered for group pictures, capturing the joyful memories created during this special event. To bid farewell, the air filled with the timeless melody of "Last Christmas" by George Michael. The sight of everyone singing and enjoying the moment truly epitomized the spirit of PAFA, fostering a strong sense of community and togetherness.

We are immensely grateful to each parent who attended the Festive Luncheon and supported the event. Their presence and enthusiasm played a vital role in making this celebration a success. As we bid adieu to this year's events and prepare for the winter break, we extend our warmest wishes to all for a joyous holiday season.

Let us cherish the memories we have created together and look forward to future events that will further strengthen our school community. Remember, we all are PAFA, and we should remain committed to nurturing a vibrant and inclusive environment, where pare

PAFA Dragon Cheer Squad – Support our junior ACAMIS swimmers!  

This weekend our junior swimmers will be travelling to participate in the ACAMIS Senior Swim Competition. Cards will be available from Wednesday, December 06 during morning arrival with Ms. Andrea, or at the main office to start collecting signatures.

Students can collect signatures from many of them during the next few days, and on Friday, December 15, they can exchange them at the Cheer Squad table for a prize. Please, encourage your child to get their Bingo card and signatures! 

Last Friday Market of the semester. This Friday from 2:30 to 4:30 pm (Poster Attached)

Come for a pleasant afternoon by the Christmas Tree to end the school week, and head out for a relaxing and fun holiday with a happy stomach!

For information, contact Ms. Andrea: andreastubbs


HIS Social Media.

Follow us and subscribe to our channels!


Andrea Stubbs

Director of Admissions and Community Relations

Hangzhou International School

2190 Xiangbin Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052 Phone: 86-571-8669-0045

                      LIBRARY NEWS                  

Dear Lower School Families,

What an exciting week we've had in the Lower School Library! It was heartwarming to see so many students enthusiastically participating in our Christmas tree decoration activity. The library has been transformed into a festive wonderland, thanks to the creativity and hard work of our students. A big thank you to all the students who contributed to the beautiful decorations for our tree. Your efforts have made the library a joyful place for everyone to enjoy during this holiday season.

In addition to the festive activities, we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from a local primary school. The students from 5C had an amazing time reading books with our young visitors. It was a fantastic opportunity for our students to share their love of reading and to engage with their peers from the local community. We are incredibly proud of how welcoming and supportive our students were during this special visit.

A message from the ECE:

What an exciting week we've had in the Lower School Library! This week, our students had a delightful time reading the book "We're Going on a Bear Hunt." Not only did they enjoy reading the book, but they also loved to sing and act out the story. Seeing their enthusiasm and creativity was a joy as they brought the classic tale to life through song and movement.

May this holiday season be filled with warmth, laughter, and cherished moments. We look forward to welcoming everyone back for more exciting library activities and adventures in the new year.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

If you would like to contact the libraries, please use the email addresses listed below: 

ECE Library, Ms. Ivy – 

Lower School Library, Mrs. Majoos and Ms. Jeanne – 

Upper School Library, Ms. Sara– 

Happy reading! 

Best wishes, 

ECE and Lower School Librarians 

ECE and Lower School Librarians 

Parent and Student ID Cards

All students and parents should have an HIS Identification Card. Please review the information on the website to submit your photo to the secretary for ID card generation. HIS ID card information



School Uniform

Please wear our school uniform with pride each day, and we seek your support in having your child dressed in the complete uniform each day. We will notify you if it is a special day to dress up; otherwise, students should be in uniform. Also, please have your child wear their PE kit on swim days (Grade1-5). Please label your child's clothing to help us return it to you. We often find many items without names, and the students cannot recognize their belongings.    

Purchasing School Uniform

Families can purchase items at the Dragon Shop. It is open

Monday to Friday from 

*8.05 am-2.45 pm and 3.15 pm-4.00 pm

For more information, please contact the dragon shop:


Alternatively, if you need to link, check it out here

                                           LS ADMINISTRATION TEAM                                 

Lynn Pendleton

Lower School/ECE Principal 

Rene Smal

ECE Coordinator

Vice Principal


Jessica Johnson

Lower School

Vice Principal 

PYP Co-ordinator

                                                  SCHOOL LUNCH                                         

What's for Lunch?

See this week's cafeteria menu

HIS Mission Statement

We provide international learners with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence within a caring community.