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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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                HIS DATES

              Upcoming Events                    

*15 Jan-29 March   CCA 2 

*11 March     Staff Professional              In-service Day (no school for students)

*19 March  Student Led Conferences      Parents make an appointment andattend with their child. No formal classes.

*22 March   Mid-Semester Reports 

*8-12 April             Book Week

*12 April                 Night of Tales

*9 January-21 June   Semester 2 2024


Kindergarten field trip to the Strawberry Farm to see plants growing.Picking, eating, and turning them into strawbwrry yoghurt ice blocks was lots of fun!

                          CCA                                           fun and learning                

                  RE- ENROLLMENT                     2024-2025

Re-enrollment Information 2024-2025 -IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT -

The time has come for us to open our re-enrolment process for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will receive a printed copy of the 2024-2025 School Year Re-Enrolment Contract. Please, read, complete, and send back to the schoolmain officeThe deadline to save and pay for the seat for 2024-2025 will be March 15, 2024. After that day, we will start placing new applicants on the waiting list. 

If you have questions, please contact the Director of Admissions and Community Relations, Andrea Stubbs:

                   PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE           

Dear Families,

Thank you so much for your wonderful support of our English Curriculum afternoon and evening. The students loved sharing their knowledge, skills and learning with you. Moving to other areas and seeing how the curriculum supports and develops students understanding  is very interesting.

 Staff Professional Development Day- No classes, no CCA's

Please be aware that next Monday, 11 March is a staff professional development day and staff will be busy working on curriculum content and pedagogy. The Lower school will be having two visiting teachers sharing practice over two days with our staff.

Student Led Conferences -SAVE THE DATE!

My favorite teaching day is coming up very soon on Tuesday, 19 March. Make sure you have marked this day in your diary and ensure you or a family member can attend to share your child's learning. 

Kind regards,


           Message from the Vice Principals       

Dear Parents,

Thank you for joining our Language Curriculum Day in ECE.  We hope that you were able to see how our ECE department supports language acquisition.  Although we shared some information on the phases of Language Acquisition, we would also like to highlight some of the benefits for students to learn more than 1 language.

Research has found many benefits to being bilingual (multilingual) and biliterate and that learning more than one language is an asset to individuals, families, and society.  As educators, we do not only support the acquisition of a second language but find ways to support children's home languages and encourage families to keep their own language strong.  Here are some of the ways it benefits students:

Cognitive Development

Children who speak more than one language and are biliterate can switch between languages, making them active and flexible.  Research shows that compared to non-bilingual peers, they have an easier time:

Understanding math concepts and solving word problems

Developing thinking skills

Using logic

Focusing, remembering and making decisions

Thinking about language

Learning other languages

Social and Emotional Development

Bilingual (Multilingual) children maintain stronger ties with their families, culture, and community.  All of these aspects are a key part of how children develop their identity.  They tend to be able to make new friends easier and create strong relationships by accessing their second language.  This greatly supports our changing diverse society.  Research further found that babies raised in a bilingual household show better self-control and settle in easier at school.


School readiness and success for children who are dual or multi-language learners is tied directly to mastery of their home language.  Children benefit academically from knowing more than one language in many ways.  They develop flexible approaches to thinking through problems.  The ability to read and think in more than one language promotes higher levels of abstract thought that further develop conceptual learning.  They are better at blocking out irrelevant information, an ability that may exist as early as seven months.  

As part of our Vision and Mission, we strive to foster language learning and develop our student's life-long learning skills to set them up for success as they build their future.

Kind Regards,

Rene Smal

                    LIBRARY NEWS                    

What an exciting week we've had in the ECE Library!. Our students had a delightful time reading the book "Dear Zoo." Not only did they enjoy reading the book, but they also loved to play and act out the story.

Seeing their enthusiasm and creativity was a joy as they brought the classic tale to life through dramatic playing.


Current Seasons 

Grade 5-8 Badminton  

Boys Practice Schedule: Tuesday 3:15-4:00, Thursday 4:00-4:45 

Girls Practice Schedule: Tuesday 4:00-4:45, Thursday 3:15-4:00 

Grade 5-8 Volleyball  

Practices each Monday and Friday 3:15-4:15 

Upcoming Seasons  

Middle School Track and Field Season (G5-8) Begins Monday 26th February (Tues 3:30-5, Thurs 3:30-5)  


                    CCA information                    


CCA for K-Grade 5 students are from 3:15 – 4:15 with a few exceptions where the CCA will finish at 4:45. Please be on time to collect your child from the Main Gate at 4:15.  

If you have any inquiries relating to CCA, you can email  


Late Bus Service 

The late buses will begin service when CCA1 begins. If you are eligible for the Late Bus Service, you will have received an email this afternoon and now need to register for the late bus between now and this Thursday at 8am. 

Please note the following regarding access to late bus: 

If you do not register in time, you will not have access to the late bus for the 1st week of CCA. 

Only students who are eligible and registered for the regular morning/afternoon school bus service will be eligible for the Late Bus Service. 

Late buses are only for students who are registered and participating in one of our after-school activities on the day they wish to use the late bus (CCA, Swim Team, Athletics Teams, Performing Arts Rehearsals) 

Questions relating to the late bus can be directed to our Transportation Secretary MS. Tracy Zhu:  

When selecting CCA or Swim Team practice days, students should not register for any which conflict with their sports practice days.  

Students involved in Performing Arts rehearsals can participate in both activities if they can participate in at least 1 sports practice per week for their chosen sports.  

All information relating to HIS Athletics can be found at the following link:  

Registrations for sports teams are now open through the link below.  

                 GATE PROTOCOLS                  

Wearing masks to enter the school is optional for students and staff. Masks will still be available for students who want to wear them. 

Procedures and Protocols

Please ensure that if your child is ill that they do not attend school. If your child continues with a high temperature or remains unwell, please seek medical support. We ask that parents err on the side of caution and keep children at home until they have fully recovered. 

Please note that if your child is absent due to COVID you must ensure they have a valid negative COVID test to reenter the school. Please forward your child's result to or


Moments 365 Help

Help with Moments 365 is available from Mr Emlyn Majoos (Mr.M) to ensure we have all parents using this platform.  If you need a Chinese or speaker of another language please contact Mr M.and we will arrange support.

Contacting Teachers

We ask parents to contact teachers via Moments 365 or by email. Teachers are busy working with students, attending meetings, preparing class materials, and ensuring student safety. They infrequently look at their computers or mobile phones and may miss your message. For changes to pick-up arrangements or urgent news, please get in touch with the school secretaries, who are online all day.

ECE             LS main building

Online teaching and Student/Teacher contact

For online teaching and correspondence between teachers and students we use TEAMS.

                  SWIMMING NEWS                 

Congratulations to our HIS Gold Dragons swimmers who attended the SSL Round 4 Swim Meet last February 24. Our team returned with 109 Personal Bests and brought home 15 Individual Event medals and 9 Relay Event medals. Big thanks to all the parents who came and supported the team. Shout out to our swim coaches, Donal Sha, Kiki Hu, Zhipheng Xu, Ruyi Fu, and Mr. Filipe Nogueira for accompanying the team! Thank you to our swim parent, Yuko Yanagimoto, for taking beautiful photos!



Scan QR Code to view  


March 8 – Meet Program Distribution

March 14 – Departure Date

March 17 – Return Date


A friendly reminder during dryland training that students need to be changed out of their regular school uniforms for practices. This is a consistent expectation across all sports practices at HIS. Students will not be permitted to join practice otherwise. Thank you for your cooperation.

COMMUNICATION Please direct any aquatics and swimming-related questions to Include your child's full name, grade level, and swim squad in the message.


March 15 & 16 – ACAMIS Junior Swimming Championships (XLIS)

March 30 – HISAC Round 3 (WCIS)

April 13 & 14 – SSL Championships

Quick Links:

Aquatics Calendar 2023-2024

Swim Meet Schedule

HIS Swim Records

Swim Meet Results

                 CCA INFORMATION                

Please visit the Co-Curricular page on the HIS website for more information

You can also send an email to if you have any inquiries. 


Please assist staff by advising us early (before lunchtime) wherever possible, if you need your child to do something different at their usual pick-up time and location. Teachers focus on working and engaging their class while maintaining a safe environment. They get to their computers sporadically and may miss changes. In addition, some classes are with Specialist staff for the last lesson and bring the students to the pick-up locations. They may be unaware of last-minute changes.

If you need to make a late change to plans, I'd suggest you send a message to our Lower School secretaries, or in the ECE, and they can pass on your message.

              PAFA NEWS AND EVENTS         

HIS International Day 2024! -Save the date, Sunday, April 21st.  ! )

What is International Day? 

Is an HIS traditional event at open to HIS students, parents, faculty, and staff members, and the wider HIS community. During the event, we all represent our cultural backgrounds participating in the “Parade of Nations”, followed by the Dragon and Lion Dance, traditional performances, activities, food from all over the world, and much more. 

If you would like to organize as a country and participate in any way to celebrate your cultural background and community (traditional food, share traditional games, perform a traditional dance/song on stage, share celebrations from your country), please contact Ms. Andrea Stubbs:

PAFA Fitness – Join us for Power Walk this Thursday morning! (New Poster attached)

We will have a sunny beautiful day, join us!

HIS Community Band! 

Mr. Vincent would like to formally invite all HIS parent musicians with experience playing a String, Woodwind, Brass, or Percussion instrument to come together and collaborate to form the First HIS Community Band!

Rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings starting at 5:00 PM in the Band Room.

If you have any questions, please send me an email to:

HIS PAFA Lunch – Namaste India: a cultural feast! (New Poster attached)

Enjoy a wonderful lunch with fun activities, delicious food, and great company! Scan the QR code to register.

Game of Tiaras – Upper School Drama Production @ The Box, Saturday, March 23. (New Poster attached)

Enjoy and support our cast and crew students in this new hilarious, tragic comedy about a King who decides to split his empire between his three daughters, Cinderella, Belle, and the Snow Queen (who in no way resembles a copyrighted character). Sit back, relax, and enjoy watching the three princesses fight their way to the throne.

Two shows available. Recommended for ages 10 and up. Chinese subtitles available during the performance. 

Fridays HIS Artisan Food Market is back! Every Friday from 2:30 to 4:30 pm

Every Friday Hangzhou International School along with our community Artisans will offer to purchase tasty treats and excellent snacks from the different food vendors attending.

Come for a pleasant afternoon to end the school week, and head out for a relaxing and fun weekend with a happy stomach!

For information, contact Ms. Andrea:


HIS Social Media.

Follow us and subscribe to our channels!


Andrea Stubbs

Director of Admissions and Community Relations

Hangzhou International School

2190 Xiangbin Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052 Phone: 86-571-8669-0045

                     LIBRARY NEWS                    

Dear HIS Families,

The Language of the Month in the library for March is Italian! Come and practice how to count to 10 in Italian.

Great news, the HIS Spring Book Fair is coming up from March 18-20! The Book Fair is a great chance to browse around all the best English books available, ranging from non-fiction to chapter books and beautiful picture books! We look forward to seeing you in the Upper School Library for this lovely event.

For this coming week’s Read Aloud, that can be found on Moments 365 on Tuesday afternoons, the book is called “Amazing Animal Journeys” written by Laura Marsh. Animals are constantly on the move! Learn about the migrations of zebras, red crabs and walruses in this great non-fiction book. In Addition, find out how humans are helping animals to get where they need to go.

Remember to encourage your child to read the books competing in this semester’s Battle of the Books (refer to the poster to see which are the 12 books)! When they have read a book with a buddy, they can complete the quiz and voting for our favorite books will be happening in May!

If you would like to contact the libraries, please use the email addresses listed below: 

ECE Library, Ms. Ivy – 

Lower School Library, Mrs. Majoos and Ms. Jeanne – 

Upper School Library, Ms. Sara– 

We look forward to seeing you in the libraries and at the Book Fair!

Mrs. Majoos

Lower School Librarian

Celebrating the 100 Days of School, a table was set up with Math books for students to explore. Some students identified 100, and some pointed out that their shirts had the same numbers. At the same time, we read a rhyming math book, “Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons.” Students enjoyed singing along and counting.

                                                                                                      Ms. Ivy

                                                                                                      ECE Libray                                                                            

Parent and Student ID Cards

All students and parents should have an HIS Identification Card. Please review the information on the website to submit your photo to the secretary for ID card generation. HIS ID card information


Please can I ask you to remove the QR code and instead update the link so that it directs people directly to the website (rather than the PDF)?

School Uniform

Please wear our school uniform with pride each day, and we seek your support in having your child dressed in the complete uniform each day. We will notify you if it is a special day to dress up; otherwise, students should be in uniform. Also, please have your child wear their PE kit on swim days (Grade1-5). Please label your child's clothing to help us return it to you. We often find many items without names, and the students cannot recognize their belongings.    

Purchasing School Uniform

Families can purchase items at the Dragon Shop. It is open

Monday to Friday from 

*8.05 am-2.45 pm and 3.15 pm-4.00 pm

For more information, please contact the dragon shop:

Alternatively, if you need to link, check it out here

                                            LS ADMINISTRATION TEAM                                

Lynn Pendleton

Lower School/ECE Principal 

Rene Smal

ECE Coordinator

Vice Principal


Jessica Johnson

Lower School

Vice Principal 

PYP Co-ordinator

                                                SCHOOL LUNCH                                           

What's for Lunch?

See this week's cafeteria menu

HIS Mission Statement

We provide international learners with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence within a caring community.