An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
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                   HIS DATES                

                 Upcoming Events 

*29 May                PAFA Lunch

*7 June        Fun Day/Dragon Boat                                     celebration

*10 June       Dragon Boat Festival                holiday-no school     no CCA's

*11 June       Student Council project                                   event 

*13 June        Last Day Of CCAs 

*14 June        NO CCAs Grade 12                                          Graduation

*16 June       HIS DRAGON RUN

*20 June       Grade 5 Promotion                                        Ceremony

*21 June       Semester 2 reports home.  Last day of school

             HIS CALENDAR 2024-25             

2024-2025 CALENDAR:

Field trips have been very popular last week. Grade 4 Low Carbon Museum. Grade 2 walking trip Grade 3 to the newly opened Children's Museum  'Explorium.'

              HiGH SEAS PHOTOS                  SCAN QR CODE BELOW


IMPORTANT Reminder from Admissions!

This is a friendly reminder that the annual, or semester tuition is due by June 21, 2024. Please, if you had paid, don’t forget to send the receipt to Payment

Remember that by policy, communicated in the Tuition and Fees document online and shared by email with the invoice, after the deadline the seat guarantee fee is no longer applicable, and we will start placing new applicants in the seats available. 

If your plans had changed and you are NOT returning this August 2024 for the new school year, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can support your transition to a new school.


如果您已经支付第一学期或一整学年的学费,请尽快发送付款凭证到邮箱, 以便确认。

 学费单可通过邮件的方式线上发送和确认。按照规定,截至时间过后,仅支付Seat Guarantee费用的学生,将视为自动放弃学位,我们将录入相应待定席位的新生。

 如果您已经确认2024年8月份将不在HIS 继续就读,也请尽快通知学校,以便我们协助您办理转学事宜。

Thank you!

Andrea Stubbs

Director of Admissions and Community Relations

                    HIS FUN RUN                                    SAVE THE DATE                SUNDAY 16 JUNE

              PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE             

Dear Families,

Field trips 

I was very happy to leave my office and attend the Grade3 field trip to the new Children's Museum. I love field trips, sourcing them, arranging them, organizing, attending and being part of any outside learning that moves understanding and conceptual development into the community whether in real life or virtually.

It was wonderful  to see the the joy and excitement the students demonstrated but equally that of the adults who attended. We all like to inquire, wonder, explore and play! 

The research on the benefits of real-life, authentic learning is very solid.The benefits are numerous but here are some important ones.

Positive Academic Impact

Regular, well-designed field trips have a track record of success, consistently boosting student test scores. These trips, which emphasize hands-on learning, have a unique ability to make concepts more memorable and embedded. By presenting concepts through various media and modalities, they cater to students who may struggle with traditional learning methods, leading to increased engagement and learning. The opportunity to learn directly from professionals in the field and ask questions that matter to them further enhances student motivation and interest.

Real-World Learning and Application

Field trips are one of the best tools that can be used to provide every student with a real-world experience. When students leave the classroom, they see the connections between what is happening in theory and in the ‘real world.’ Senses such as hearing, seeing, feeling, sensing, and so on are used. Students begin to see that what they learn within the classroom walls can help them solve the problems they see in the world around them and can directly impact who they become as people. 

Social-Emotional Growth

Field trips, such as visits to museums, have been shown to have a profound impact on students' social-emotional growth. For instance, those who participate in such trips often exhibit increased empathy, tolerance, and critical thinking skills, qualities that are crucial for their personal and academic development.

Field trips offer students access to tools and environments that are not readily available within the confines of a school. Our local communities serve as rich learning laboratories, providing students with the opportunity to directly engage with and learn from every tool used in practice.

This hands-on experience solidifies learning and reinforces key academic concepts, making field trips an invaluable part of school learning.

Thank you to the many parents who contribute to our trips whether offering their premises, contacts or resources, or  acting as chaperones to support small groups and enhance access, learning, along with safety.

NWEA Grade 2-5

Our NWEA testing period has started today! Thank you to the many parents who have helped their child run through the practice examples included in the link below. A reminder over the next two weeks to ensure your  child has a good night's sleep, a healthy and filling breakfast to boost energy and concentration, plenty of water, and arrives on time to school and in a positive, relaxed mood. 

Please share the link below with your child and undertake some practice tests.

Family Guide to MAP Growth

The Family Guide to MAP Growth is a quick resource you can use to understand the assessment process and how the data is used to support learning. 

It's also available in these languages: 



Brazilian Portuguese










Note that the last day of the CCA this semester is Thursday, June 13. There are no CCAs on Friday, June 14, as it is GRADUATION. 

Warm regards,


Lynn Pendleton 

       Message from the LS Vice Principal     

Last Friday, our fabulous First Graders hosted an assembly and exhibition. They were proud to share their work with all those attending. The students I spoke with demonstrated strong communication and thinking skills as well as an immense amount of creativity in the designs and innovations they made which had been inspired by nature. Congratulations to our students and faculty for their engagement in this wonderful unit of inquiry. 

Jessica Johnson

Lower School Vice Principal and PYP Coordinator


Dear Parents, 

The ECE team is working diligently on completing the evaluations and portfolios for this academic year to continue building our students' confidence and skills to support their learning at HIS in the future.  This week, I hoped to share some considerations for developing independence and self-regulation with children.

Fostering Independence and Self-Regulation with ECE Children

As children transition from toddlerhood into preschool, a crucial developmental milestone is the growth of independence and self-regulation skills. Between the ages of 3 and 5, young kids rapidly gain a stronger sense of autonomy and the ability to manage their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Why is this stage so important? Children are laying the foundation for lifelong self-sufficiency and emotional intelligence during these early years. Developing independence and self-regulation allows them to become more confident, resilient, and able to navigate the world around them.

However, this phase can also challenge parents as they navigate the balance between fostering autonomy and providing guidance. Here's what you need to know:

The Importance of Independence
As children reach preschool, they have a natural drive to do more things for themselves. They want to dress themselves, feed themselves, make choices, and exert control over their environment. This push for independence is a sign of healthy development and should be encouraged.

Allowing children this autonomy has several benefits:

  • Builds confidence and self-esteem
  • Teaches problem-solving and critical-thinking skills
  • Promotes a sense of responsibility
  • Fosters intrinsic motivation

The Key Role of Self-Regulation
Alongside growing independence, the development of self-regulation is equally vital during this stage. Self-regulation refers to a child's ability to manage emotions, focus attention, and control impulses.

Strong self-regulation skills enable children to:

  • Calm themselves down when feeling upset or frustrated
  • Wait patiently and delay gratification
  • Follow rules and instructions
  • Persevere through challenges

When children can self-regulate effectively, it sets them up for success in school, relationships, and life.

Strategies to Foster Independence & Self-Regulation

Parents are crucial in supporting your preschooler's journey toward greater autonomy and self-control. Here are some tips:

Provide Choices - Offer your child simple choices throughout the day, such as "Would you like to wear the blue shirt or the red one?" This empowers them to make decisions and practice independent thinking.

Teach Self-Care Skills -Gradually teach your child how to dress, brush teeth, use the bathroom, and complete other self-care tasks on their own. Praise their efforts and be patient as they build these abilities.

Set Routines - Establish predictable daily routines and rituals. This helps children feel secure and develop the self-regulatory skills to follow through on expected behaviors.

Model Emotional Control -When you remain calm and use healthy coping strategies in the face of frustration or stress, you provide a powerful example for your child to learn from.

Praise Effort, Not Just Outcomes - Celebrate your child's progress and hard work, not just their successes. This nurtures intrinsic motivation and a growth mindset.

Provide Patience & Support - Allow your child to problem-solve and work through challenges on their own when appropriate. But also be ready to offer guidance, encouragement, and a listening ear.

With your support, this stage can be an incredibly rewarding time of growth and independence. By nurturing these essential skills, we set up our children for lifelong confidence and self-regulation.

Kind Regards,

Rene Smal

Lower School Vice Principal and ECE Coordinator

                 LIBRARY NEWS                    ECE

Come and discover our latest book arrivals. Our selection spans a variety of genres, including fiction, non-fiction, picture books, and board books. Students have been eagerly exploring these new offerings and checking them out to enjoy at home. Reading together with friends and teachers is a great way to explore these new books. Let's continue to cultivate our students' love for books.

Ms. Ivy

ECE Library

             LIBRARY NEWS Grade1-5         

Dear HIS Families,

Voting for Battle of the Books is underway! The voting will go on for another week and then the top books will be announced. The CCA students, We are LIT (Librarians In Training) selected the three categories that students will be voting for and prepared the voting boxes. The three categories are:

The book with the best message (what story inspired you?)

The book that taught me something new (what did you learn?)

The book with the best illustrations or images

The students are having a great time filling in their voting papers and placing them in the box. It gives them the chance to be part of a voting process.

Grade 2 students, who have been learning about digital citizenship, are now using what they have learned to access Canva and make posters with the information they have been researching for their current transdisciplinary unit, ‘where we are in place and time’. They are learning how to use technology safely and responsibly.

For this coming week’s Read Aloud, that can be found on Moments 365 on Tuesday afternoons, the book is called “Buddy Bench” written by Patty Brozo and illustrated by Mike Deas. This is a heart-warming story about children coming together to help everyone feel welcomed and seen.

If you would like to contact the libraries, please use the email addresses listed below: 

ECE Library, Ms. Ivy – 

Lower School Library, Mrs. Majoos and Ms. Jeanne – 

Upper School Library, Ms. Sara– 

Happy reading!

Mrs. Majoos

Lower School Librarian

                    CCA information                    



Please visit the Co-Curricular page on the HIS website for more information

You can also send an email to if you have any inquiries. 

CCA for K-Grade 5 students are from 3:15 – 4:15 with a few exceptions where the CCA will finish at 4:45. Please be on time to collect your child from the Main Gate at 4:15.  

Late Bus Service 

Please note the following regarding access to late bus: 

Only students who are eligible and registered for the regular morning/afternoon school bus service will be eligible for the Late Bus Service. 

Late buses are only for students who are registered and participating in one of our after-school activities on the day they wish to use the late bus (CCA, Swim Team, Athletics Teams, Performing Arts Rehearsals) 

Questions relating to the late bus can be directed to our Transportation Secretary MS. Tracy Zhu:  

When selecting CCA or Swim Team practice days, students should not register for any which conflict with their sports practice days.  

Students involved in Performing Arts rehearsals can participate in both activities if they can participate in at least 1 sports practice per week for their chosen sports.  

All information relating to HIS Athletics can be found at the following link:  

Registrations for sports teams are now open through the link below.  

                GATE PROTOCOLS                

Wearing masks to enter the school is optional for students and staff. Masks will still be available for students who want to wear them. 

Procedures and Protocols

Please ensure that if your child is ill that they do not attend school. If your child continues with a high temperature or remains unwell, please seek medical support. We ask that parents err on the side of caution and keep children at home until they have fully recovered. 


Moments 365 Help

Help with Moments 365 is available from Mr Emlyn Majoos (Mr.M) to ensure we have all parents using this platform.  If you need a Chinese or speaker of another language please contact Mr M.and we will arrange support.

Contacting Teachers

We ask parents to contact teachers via Moments 365 or by email. Teachers are busy working with students, attending meetings, preparing class materials, and ensuring student safety. They infrequently look at their computers or mobile phones and may miss your message. For changes to pick-up arrangements or urgent news, please get in touch with the school secretaries, who are online all day.

ECE             LS main building

Online teaching and Student/Teacher contact

For online teaching and correspondence between teachers and students we use TEAMS.

                  SWIMMING NEWS                 

Drowning is one of the leading causes of death for toddlers globally. Help us raise awareness and equip the next generation with essential water competency skills. Early swim lessons and water competency can save lives and prevent drowning.


The swimming season will be capped with the HIS Swim Team Summer Splash 2024 Swim Meet at The Wave, followed by an Awards Presentation at The Theater, where each swimmer will receive a

Certificate of Participation, Top Times Report, Chevrons, and many other special awards including trophies (MVP, MIP, Coaches’ Award). All swimmers are invited to attend with their families.


The swimming season will be capped with the HIS Swim Team Summer Splash 2024 Swim Meet at The Wave followed by an Awards Presentation at The Theater, where each swimmer will receive a Certificate of Participation, Top Times Report, Chevrons, and many other special awards including trophies (MVP, MIP, Coaches’ Award). All swimmers are invited to attend with their families.


The running of the team and its activities are accomplished through the volunteer coaching staff and Parents. Swim Meets are one of the heaviest events, with many moving parts. Please support the HIS Swim Team Summer Splash 2024 by volunteering through the link below.

Volunteer Link:


HIS is proud to be a partner in this global event promoting water safety. Get ready for the World’s Largest Swimming Lesson on Thursday, June 20th! Mark your calendars and be part of this life-saving initiative!

Hangzhou International School’s THE WAVE will be serving as an official Host Location Facility for the 2024 WLSL event. HIS was the first school to participate in WLSL in China, and only one of two host venues in China in 2024. Parents are invited to learn more about this phenomenal event by visiting or

The World's Largest Swimming Lesson was created to raise awareness about the importance of teaching children to swim to prevent childhood drowning. Since its inception, more than 383,000 children and adults have participated in WLSL Lessons in 53 countries on six continents generating billions of media impressions about the importance of learning to swim. TEAM WLSLTM holds five Guinness World Records.


Please assist staff by advising us early (before lunchtime) wherever possible, if you need your child to do something different at their usual pick-up time and location. Teachers focus on working and engaging their class while maintaining a safe environment. They get to their computers sporadically and may miss changes. In addition, some classes are with Specialist staff for the last lesson and bring the students to the pick-up locations. They may be unaware of last-minute changes.

If you need to make a late change to plans, I'd suggest you send a message to our Lower School secretaries, or in the ECE, and they can pass on your message.

              PAFA NEWS AND EVENTS        

PAFA Fitness – Join us for a Boxing session this Thursday morning!

                     PAFA LUNCH                   

Join us to celebrate a successful school year and to wish each other a happy summer, safe travels, or a great new adventure!

Fridays HIS Artisan Food Market is back! Every Friday from 2:30 to 4:30 pm

Every Friday Hangzhou International School along with our community Artisans will offer to purchase tasty treats and excellent snacks from the different food vendors attending.

Come for a pleasant afternoon to end the school week, and head out for a relaxing and fun weekend with a happy stomach!

For information, contact Ms. Andrea:

HIS Social Media.

Follow us and subscribe to our channels!


Andrea Stubbs

Director of Admissions and Community Relations

Hangzhou International School

2190 Xiangbin Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052 Phone: 86-571-8669-0045

             SECURITY- HI SID CARDS          

Parent and Student ID Cards

All students and parents should have an HIS Identification Card. Please review the information on the website to submit your photo to the secretary for ID card generation. HIS ID card information


Please can I ask you to remove the QR code and instead update the link so that it directs people directly to the website (rather than the PDF)?

School Uniform

Please wear our school uniform with pride each day, and we seek your support in having your child dressed in the complete uniform each day. We will notify you if it is a special day to dress up; otherwise, students should be in uniform. Also, please have your child wear their PE kit on swim days (Grade1-5). Please label your child's clothing to help us return it to you. We often find many items without names, and the students cannot recognize their belongings.    

Purchasing School Uniform

Families can purchase items at the Dragon Shop. It is open

Monday to Friday from 

*8.05 am-2.45 pm and 3.15 pm-4.00 pm

For more information, please contact the dragon shop:

Alternatively, if you need to link, check it out here

                                       LS ADMINISTRATION TEAM                                 

Lynn Pendleton

Lower School/ECE Principal 

Rene Smal

ECE Coordinator

Vice Principal


Jessica Johnson

Lower School

Vice Principal 

PYP Co-ordinator

                                               SCHOOL LUNCH                                        

What's for Lunch?

See this week's cafeteria menu

HIS Mission Statement

We provide international learners with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence within a caring community.