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Upper School Newsletter May 27 , 2024



May 29          Athletic Awards Ceremony                    May 30          US Assembly   @ 2:15                        May 31          Middle School Formal                          June 1            SAT                                                        June 1           Swimming Awards Ceremony                June 1           High School Formal                            June 3-11      Gr. 11 Exams                                          June 4           Gr 8 Community Project Exhibition      June 11-14    Gr. 9 World of Work                              June 11-13    Senior Presentations                              June 14         Senior Breakfast. 8:30                            June 14         Graduation Practice                                June 14         Graduation Parade   2:30                      June 14         Graduation  5:00pm                                June 15         Dragon Run                                            June 18         Music Festival                                        June 19         Film Festival Finals                                June 20         Grade 8 Promotion Ceremony 1:30      June 21         Last Day of School                                June 21         US Assembly                                          June 21         Whole School Assemblly



Mr. Fursey Gotuaco

Upper School Principal



"THE BEST WAY TO PREDICT YOUR FUTURE IS TO CREATE IT"                                                                    




The grades 6-10s went out for their Week Without Walls.  They had incredible experiences with different areas of China, including Xiamen, Yangshuo, Hunan Province, and Inner Mongolia.  

The grade 12s had their own kind of adventures as they went through their first week of 'Leaving In Style'.  Their activities included some kayaking, rock climbing, bike riding and even a scavenger hunt around West Lake!  What a blast!

Our grade 11s had their own unique experience right here on campus.  They have their eyes focused straight ahead on their goals and objectives.  This is a critical time for them as they try to get some momentum on their Extended Essays and their IAs.  These projects serve as vehicles for our students to demonstrate their intellectual abilities.  These are the foundational moments of their grade 12 year and their academic tasks that will propel them forward to their college choices.  

The Extended Essay is a challenging research paper that will prepare them for the rigors for university classes.  It requires students to analyze, synthesize, and communicate at a high level.  I've included some of their topics below.  They are fascinating and awe-inspiring.  You can see their potential bubbling over!

Anna ZHOU: What are the impacts and implications of integrating Gen AI in the digital arts and animation industry? Using Gen AI for monetary gain would further perpetuate existing unethical business practices, causing a rise in independent digital arts.

Shen Xi-Ke(Roxanna): 以《中国奇谭》为例 - 中国神话和民间故事的核心精神是如何在现代社会中得到传承和运用的?

Kim MinKyeong(Sarah): How does oxytocin work in the beginning of romantic love and what are the other factors? Is oxytocin helpful in finding love? How does it work?

Vansh Gianchandani: I am researching on how memory related cognitive functions are enhanced by music therapy in patients with Alzheimer's Disease.

Ruhi GIANCHANDANI:  My EE explores the different motivations behind creating the Rani of Jhansi Regiment. I chose this because I'm interested in exploring women's lives in history.

Jennifer Yeoman: I am analyzing the ways in which Holden Caulfield's inner thoughts differ and compare to the way he interacts with people, and what could be causing him to act that way.

Yan-Tong(Tina) Yu:  对比分析中西文学作品《第七天》和《我弥留之际》中变换式内聚焦叙事手法的运用及其效果

Irene CHEN:  Investigating if there is a correlation between cultural significance and the illustration and composition techniques used separately in American comics (Spider-man) and Japanese manga (Demon Slayer).

Yuichiro ABE:  Molecular Orbital Theory is a theory commonly used in quantum mechanics to describe the structure of an atom, and to describe the interactions of two atomic orbitals to form molecular orbitals. My topic will discuss the role of molecular orbital theory in chemical reactions, and how they influence the mechanism and reaction rates of chemical reactions

JIANG Wanyi (Yuna):  My research question is "what extent does perfectionism negatively impact foreign language learning?"

Ziteng Xu:  Explore the effect of appearance and perceived attractiveness on people's social experience. Specifically, I want to investigate the role of appearance (not just physical attractiveness but appearance) in advertising effectiveness. 

Ashley Ho:  Extracting enzymes from different fruit by crushing, and place them with semi-solid gelatin solution. Examine how the each fruit enzyme digest (breakdown) the gelatin protein and the hydrolysate produced during the process. 

Minji Gwak: My Extended Essay is evaluating the market structure of K-Pop. Then, it determines how those market structure increases or decreases album sales in Korea and United States. 

Parth:  My topic is about the dielectric constant and capacitance of a circuit and how it is affected by certain impurities. The dielectric constant is directly proportional to the capacitance and impurities disrupt the electric field and the capacitors’ ability to hold maximum charge.

Helen Shou:  My topic is on the packaging and storage materials' influences on the stability of vitamin C levels in freshly squeezed citrus fruit juices. I will compare glass jars to tin cans on their ability to preserve the level of ascorbic content (vitamin C) in the juices over 72 hours.

Chen Sharon: 我全篇通过三个角度,爱情,亲情,邻里情来解释我的探究性问题:余华是如何通过《许三观卖血记》体现人性美,比如说余华使用到的手法像白描,细节描写等。

Zhi-Yuan Xu: 对比分析中西浪漫主义诗人的艺术手法,我选择了唐代诗人李白以及英国诗人雪莱并且对比两位诗人的两首诗中相似的意象如何传递相同的思想,又有何不同

Li Zixuan(Lucas): My essay is an exploration of the reasons for the decline in revenue of a particular company in Shenzhen, China.

Seung-Jae(James) Lee:  what kind of action were taken from South Korea that are responsible on escalating the tension between North Korea?. How did other countries view these action and what actions did they take according to this. 

ZHU Huaize (Andrew): The effect of garlic extract (allicin) on intestinal flora (lactobacillus) balance in terms being healthy.

Ola Almahmamid:  My extended essay explores the impact of friendships on academic achievement, showing how emotional support, encouragement, and peer interactions contribute to students' academic success and well-being, while also examining the complexities and limitations of the current research in this specific area.

Ronan MC ERLEAN:  This extended essay discusses the extent to which the effects of the US-China tariffs were felt on an international apparel business located in China.

Shen Pui-Hok: 以刘震云的小说《我不是潘金莲》中的角色“李雪莲”为例,探讨了中国传统文化视域下女性形象以及女性身份标签对女性命运的影响。

He Rentian(Bill):  Using the understanding of buoyancy force and aerodynamics discuss how different wing shapes affect the velocity of an airplane.

Samaira CHADHA:  To what extent does PTSD impact the memory of sexual assault victims? we can see throughout the research that i have analyzed that PTSD can effect ones memory but High levels of stress can tend to trigger these traumatic memories. this can also be seen through studying from hippocampus and amygdala 

Saanvi TYAGI:  The RSA is a mathematical algorithm used for cryptography, which encrypts our information and secures it online. 

Zhi-Peng(Peter) Fu  Title: 分析CCTV央视公益春节广告是如何弘扬与传播文化

Research Question:分析央视春节公益广告的创意策略

本论文从近几年的央视春节广告着手分析, 以2023——2024年的春节公益广告中的其中5个例子来作为研究对象. 央视春节广告的创意策略总共有三个点进行分析,详细解读:
(一) “小人物”的选择,塑造平民化形象;
分析这些策略是如何让受众有着同心理的感受, 分析如何通过这三点体现广告充分弘扬与传播中国文化.

Vinisha TEJWANI:  Beverages in our everyday life have varied effects on our teeth. Every drink has a different pH, and these differences in pH can cause our teeth to decay and deteriorate. The experiment measures which everyday beverages cause the most damage on our teeth as which cause the least amount of damage.

Yan Le(Leo):  My Extended Essay is about Starbucks Marketing strategies in China's first and second-tier cities. Through some analysis tools such as SWOT analysis and 4p analysis, I can clearly understand the outside market environment for this company and its Marketing mix. I will also compare Starbucks to it's competitors such as Luckin Coffee, which has rapidly grown and expanded its company recent years. 

Yuyan Wang:  The appreciation of the Mexican peso, driven by high interest rates, has influenced the revenue of a wholesale toy store in Mexico City that imports products from China. The study will analyze the impact on the effect of currency and additional cofounding variables to understand the effects of macroeconomic trends on wholesale business profitability in Mexico.

Kim MinKyeong(Sarah):  Oxytocin level is higher in new couples than the people who have not been in a relationship for the last three months. 

Qile QIU:  My extended essay will be analyzing the effectiveness of some policies implemented during covid-19 on the unemployment rate of the tourism industry. 

Seung-Jae(James) Lee:  My extended essay talks about the situation prior to the Korean war focusing more on why and how it happened. Generally, when people talk about the Korean war we think North Korea is the one who started it and caused which, is partially correct because in between this period there has been tensions between north and south, and the conflict between Soviet Union and USA. As a south Korean who were taught that North Korea was the general conflict but i decided to dig deeper and find out if South Korea has any responsibility on this situation 

Yicheng(Louie) Liu: For the topic of my Extended Essay are the information about the coral bleaching for the main reason for explain how they happen on the earth, and how dose the temperature influence the coral of the process by different temperature. Changes in the temperature of the coral environment change the nature of the coral and its impact on the environment.

Jia-Heng(Ben) He:  comparing the benefits of the carbohydrates and electrolytes in popular sports drinks. 

Yue-Fan (Emma) Chen:  In Klara and the Sun, Kazuo Ishiguro portrays the narrator Klara as an outsider, which contributes to Ishiguro's critique of extremist capitalism.

Every child is a student of this universe.  They have the talent to solve the problems of this world.... What starts here at HIS will change the world!



IMPORTANT Reminder from Admissions!

This is a friendly reminder that the annual, or semester tuition is due by June 21, 2024. Please, if you had paid, don’t forget to send the receipt to Payment

Remember that by policy, communicated in the Tuition and Fees document online and shared by email with the invoice, after the deadline the seat guarantee fee is no longer applicable, and we will start placing new applicants in the seats available. 

If your plans had changed and you are NOT returning this August 2024 for the new school year, please let us know as soon as possible, so we can support your transition to a new school.


如果您已经支付第一学期或一整学年的学费,请尽快发送付款凭证到邮箱, 以便确认。

 学费单可通过邮件的方式线上发送和确认。按照规定,截至时间过后,仅支付Seat Guarantee费用的学生,将视为自动放弃学位,我们将录入相应待定席位的新生。

 如果您已经确认2024年8月份将不在HIS 继续就读,也请尽快通知学校,以便我们协助您办理转学事宜。

PAFA Fitness

Boxing training this Thursday morning!

 Join us to this new activity that promise to keep us fit and having fun!


go to the calendar tab on the school website and scroll down

PAFA end of the year Lunch!

Join us to celebrate a sucessful school year and to wish each other a happy summer, safe travels, or a great new adventure!

                                  HIS                                            COLLEGE COUNSELING INFORMATION      


University Counseling Tips

Understanding the Australian Universities

Undergraduate Application Process

Part 1: Choosing the Right Course and University

Are you considering studying in Australia? With its world-class education system and stunning natural beauty, Australia is a popular destination for international students. But with so many universities and courses to choose from, it can be overwhelming to decide where to start. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of choosing the right course and university for your undergraduate studies in Australia.

First, research Australian universities and their undergraduate programs to find the best fit for your interests and career goals. Check the university's website for course details, entry requirements, and application deadlines. Keep in mind that Australia has two main intakes: February (summer) and July (winter). The February intake is the main one, and most universities offer the majority of their courses at this time. However, some universities might not offer certain courses or programs in the July intake, so be sure to check the university's website for specific course availability.

Plan ahead and apply early to ensure you secure your preferred course and intake. You can also consider factors such as campus location, student life, and extracurricular activities when choosing your university. By doing your research and weighing your options carefully, you'll be well on your way to finding the perfect course and university for your undergraduate studies in Australia.


TEST DATE                       REGISTRATION

    JUNE 1                                   MAY 17

Testing for next school year is below. 

The August testing is now open for registration.



We encourage students to contact one of the university counselors  with any questions about university entrance requirements. 

                  Mr. Mark Donagher

                          Ms. Iris Zhang

                          Ms. Carrie Sun

                     Dr. Ryan Beddows

                      Dr. Monica Prieto





The swimming season will be capped with the HIS Swim Team Summer Splash 2024 Swim Meet at The Wave, followed by an Awards Presentation at The Theater, where each swimmer will receive a Certificate of Participation, Top Times Report, Chevrons, and many other special awards including trophies (MVP, MIP, Coaches' Award). All swimmers are invited to attend with their families. 


The running of the team and its activities are accomplished through the volunteer staff and parents. Swim Meets are one of the heaviest events, with many moving parts. Please support the HIS Swim Team Summer Splash 2024 by volunteering through the link below. 

Volunteer Link: 


HIS is proud to be a partner in this global event promoting water safety. Get ready for the World's Largest Swimming Lesson on Thursday, June 20th! Mark your calendars and be part of this life-saving initiative! 

Hangzhou International School's THE WAVE will be serving as an official Host Location Facility for the 2024 WLSL event. HIS was the first school to participate in WLSL in China, and only one of two host venues in China in 2024. Parents are invited to learn more about this phenomenal event by visiting or

The World's Largest Swimming Lesson was created to raise awareness about the importance of teaching children to swim to prevent childhood drowning. Since its inception, more than 383,000 children and adults have participated in WLSL Lessons in 53 countries on six continents, generating billions of media impressions about the importance of learning to swim. TEAM WLSLTM holds five Guinness World Records. 


May – Water Safety Month 

June 20 – The World's Largest Swimming Lesson 2024 


May – Water Safety Month 

May 15 – International Water Safety Day 

June 20 – The World's Largest Swimming Lesson 2024 



Pattana Sports Resort, Chonburi, Thailand 

July 1-7, 2024 

The swimming camp also includes an indoor and an open water swimming competition to finish. If interested, contact Coach Nat at or visit the link 



Gold Squad – Amber Lam (G8) 

Pre-Gold Squad – Dennis Lu (G7) 

Silver Squad – Scarlett  Wawrzuta (G5) 

Bronze Squad – Candy Yang (G4) 

Blue Squad – Samuel Lu (G4) 

Tadpoles – Luciano Looff Ponce (G2) 


May – Water Safety Month 

June 1 – HIS Summer Splash / Swimming Awards (HIS) 

June 3-6 – HIS Swim Team Aquathlon (squad practice time slot) 

June 20 – World's Largest Swimming Lesson 2024 (HIS) 


Swim Team Registration and Handbook 

2023-2024 Swim Meet Schedule 

Aquatics Calendar 

HIS Swim Records 

Swim Meet Results


Student Leadership is a priority here at HIS. 

Each week, we spotlight a student leader and give them an opportunity to tell you about their clubs, sports, and activities.  

Empowering Leadership and Wellness at Longyin Club

——A Recap of the ACAMIS Leadership Conference

Our school recently had the honor of hosting the esteemed ACAMIS Leadership Conference, where students from our Longyin Club seized the opportunity to demonstrate their exceptional leadership abilities and exchange experiences with school leaders. This occasion provided our students not only with a chance to showcase our club but also with an opportunity to show their leadership skills and inspire others.

In preparation for the event, members of the Longyin Club dedicated hours of hard work to ensure that their sessions were not only informative but also engaging. Leading up to the conference, they practiced their presentations diligently, seeking feedback from their peers and our respected school principal, Mr. Gotuaco, who even showed the students how to shake hands and how to use body language during the presentation. This iterative process allowed them to refine their speeches and elevate their overall performance.

During the conference, the student presenters from our club captivated the audience with an interesting story and delivered a comprehensive overview of the club, emphasizing its past achievements and the key elements contributing to the enhancement of their leadership skills. Additionally, they incorporated cultural artifacts like the calligraphy brush pen to interact with the audience effectively. These sessions served as a valuable platform for participants to gain insights into the Longyin Club’s activities and its impact on fostering student leadership. Through dynamic presentations, they effectively communicated the club’s purpose and the strategies utilized to cultivate leadership traits among members. Following the presentations, the students distributed handmade Calligraphy scrolls as tokens of appreciation. Look at the smiles from the participants.

Beyond their roles as presenters, a member of the Longyin Club, Chris Huang in Grade 7, went the extra mile by showcasing his Tai Chi talents after the leadership conference on Day 1. He demonstrated Tai Chi Eighteen Forms of Tai Chi Essence, highlighting how this ancient practice promotes wellness and relaxation. Chris’s demonstration not only exposed participants to the beauty of traditional Chinese culture but also underscored the goals of our Longyin Club.

This event also offered a valuable opportunity for our school to broaden its horizons and establish connections within the educational sphere. By presenting at the ACAMIS Leadership Conference, our Longyin Club took a substantial stride towards forming a network of schools. Congratulations to the students of the Longyin Club for their remarkable accomplishments.

Special thanks to all participating leaders and Mr. Gotuaco for his guidance and support. Their collaborative efforts have not only inspired and empowered current and future leaders but have also made a lasting impact on the ACAMIS Leadership Conference and our entire school community. Moving forward, we are steadfast in our commitment to cultivating leadership skills and offering students opportunities for development as the year proceeds.


I'm an image


I'm an image

I'm an image

I'm an image

CLICK for Dragon Shop Catalogue

Middle School Uniform Guidelines 6-8

Middle Schoolers should wear tan shorts, trousers, or skirts and a navy blue polo shirt (short or long sleeved) with the HIS book logo. A navy fleece or cardigan sweater with the HIS logo or other approved outerwear such as the HIS hoodie sweatshirt can be worn in the cooler weather. All students must wear laced shoes.

High School Uniform Guidelines 9-12

High Schoolers should wear tan shorts or trousers, or plaid skirts (girls only) and a light blue Oxford cloth button down short or long sleeved short with the HIS book logo. A navy fleece or cardigan sweater with the HIS logo or other approved outerwear such as the HIS hoodie sweatshirt can be worn in the cooler weather. All students must wear laced shoes.

Students will be asked to remove outerwear (coats, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc) in lessons unless they carry the HIS logos. Students who are cold will be invited to go to the Dragon Shop to purchase acceptable HIS items. 

Families can purchase items at the Dragon Shop open 

Mondays to Fridays from 

8:05am - 2:45pm and 3:15pm - 4:00pm

For more information, please contact the Dragon Shop:


See the updated lunch menu weekly and monthly as posted on the school website. 

Lunch Menu

HIS Mission Statement

We provide international learners with opportunities to pursue academic and personal excellence within a caring community.

Hangzhou International School
2190 Xiangbin Road, Bin Jiang District, Hangzhou 310052
Phone: +86 571 8669 0045
Email: Website: