- Environment
Hangzhou International School has an abundance of life.
Trees, mountains, and lakes circle our beautiful school. Insects live around our campus. They are part of our ecosystem. What some of us don’t realize is that living things are crucial to our community. They all deserve to live.
Most ecosystems consist of ‘mutualism’ and food webs. Mutualism is when animals depend on each other for survival. For example, anemones shelter clownfish, and clownfish in turn protect anemones from intruders.
An example of a food web is: first, female mosquitoes drink blood so they can nourish their eggs. Then, frogs eat the mosquitos. Finally, cranes eat the frogs.
Around the world, human-made disasters are plaguing the natural world. These ecological disasters include deforestation, habitat loss, plastic and air pollution, illegal poaching and the most influential of all: climate change. All of these have a huge impact on our planet.
On the football pitch and playground in our community I have seen bees, wasps and dragonflies. Some of my classmates and I taught others that we don't need to be scared of the animals in our campus because they defend themselves more than they hurt us.
The wildlife in our community is important but there are still people and animals in our community that misunderstand each other. Sometimes we can find people screaming because they saw bees. Other times we can find trash discarded around HIS that hurts the plants.
But sometimes we can discover people that care about our natural world. We see people picking up trash from bushes, or taking snails from paths to prevent them from getting hurt. These people feel compassion for our natural world.
If we can all open our hearts to care for our friends, both the plants and animals, we can turn HIS into a community where humans and other living things can co-exist peacefully, without fearing or hurting each other.
We should cherish the natural world around our school. Then we can all live peacefully and happily. That would be wonderful.