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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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ID Card

To apply for a parent ID card, please fill out the below form. Once complete, parents can pick-up their ID card from the guard at the Main Gate after two working days. ID cards for family ayis and drivers may also be ordered by submitting the below information, along with turning in a signed note indicating parent consent for pick-up.

Photo Guidelines

ID Photo Guidelines

Please send a photo framed similar to above, facing forward, without any buildings or objects in the background.

If you have any issues with your ID card request or to request directly by email by sending your name and photo, and child's name and grade level, please contact:

ECE Secretary Lily Fan  -

Lower School Secretary Sue Shu-

Upper School Secretary Vivian Wang -

Click here to Submit an ID Card Request Form

Alumni can apply for the HIS Student Alumni ID Card on the Alumni Page.