An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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Upper School

Learning and growing in a collaborative international environment.

HIS is an IB Three Programme Continuum School and uses the IB Learner Profile and Approaches to Learning as a guide for developing student attributes so that we may nurture the ability of students to use a variety of necessary soft skills including communication, thinking, self-management, research, and social skills. Furthermore, we encourage mindful approaches to resilience, perseverance, inquiry, and being a principled and balanced individual.

The Upper School (Grades 6-12) incorporates a Middle School division (Grades 6-8) and a High School division (Grades 9-12) as part of their organizational structure. In addition to rigorous academic learning, the Middle School division places great emphasis on social development, participation, and exploration of individual skills and interests. The High School division (Grades 9-12) focuses on greater depth and understanding of subject matter and transition to a college-preparatory program. All High School students earn subject credits for successful completion of each semester at HIS, which are entered into transcripts that are used by many university admissions departments. High School students generally have more elective choices within their academic and extra-curricular learning. Students completing Grade 10 are supported with Academic Guidance and College Counseling so they are ready to commit to IB subject choices and levels, and ready to engage the university admissions process. The goal of High School learning is to complete the graduation requirements for the HIS High School Diploma and be role models of the HIS Mission.

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What is MYP?

Grades 6 – 10 at HIS fare authorized to deliver the principles and practices of the IB Middle Years Programme (MYP). The MYP curriculum is interdisciplinary in nature, which connects some subject learning of Languages, Social Studies, Sciences, the Arts, Physical/Health Education, and Design/Computer Technology within interdisciplinary themes. As part of the MYP requirements, students complete a Community Project in Grade 8 and the Personal Project in Grade 10, while also taking part in Service as Action projects in all grades. In addition to these interdisciplinary subjects, students receive additional important personal and social guidance through an advisory/pastoral program that assigns a small number of students to one faculty advisor.  

Click here to learn more about the Middle Years Programme (MYP) at HIS

What is DP?

Grades 11-12 at HIS are authorized to deliver the IB Diploma Programme (DP). The DP curriculum is disciplinary in nature, with students generally selecting higher or standard levels in each of six subject groupings: Language A, Language B, Individuals & Societies, Science, Math, and the Arts. In addition, students have course requirements in Theory of Knowledge (TOK), complete a 4000-word Extended Essay (EE), and satisfy a significant expectation for Creativity, Activity, & Service (CAS). While not all students will be registered as full DP students, those who meet all the requirements by the IBO may receive an IB Diploma or IB Bilingual Diploma.

Click here to learn more about the Diploma Programme (DP) at HIS

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