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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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Community involvement for improved student learning

HIS recognizes that creating partnerships for learning establishes a climate of involvement and interaction between our internal and external communities and our schools.  Research in education will confirm a direct correlation between strong community involvement and improved student learning.  Our strategic plan currently targets the development of partnerships in the areas of learning support, English language, service-learning, athletics and activities extensions, and family-school-community partnerships.

Each quarter, the DragonNews magazine shares news and information regarding our partnerships for learning.  HIS schools currently has partnerships with its parent community through the Parents and Friends Association (PAFA); learning support through the Essential Learning Group; service learning through the Library Project; extra-curricular programs such as Yougo Sports International Academy; family-school-community relations through the Dongxin Community Center; and regional educational and activities organizations such as the East Asian Regional Council of Overseas Schools (EARCOS), the Association of Chinese and Mongolian International School (ACAMIS), the China International Schools Sports Association (CISSA), and the Shanghai International Schools Activities Conference (SISAC). 

This month our featured partner is The Library Project.

The Library Project works in rural communities in China and Vietnam. The schools they work with are underfunded and tend to be smaller in size, between 50-200 children in attendance. The size of a school matters in that it determines the amount of money local governments provide.

They have partnered with the local Board of Education at all of their library donations. It is essential to engage local government and support their future plans for their school district. These partnerships help them to push the teachers to meet their organization’s literacy goals at each of the schools we support.

