An Inclusive IB World School

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Hangzhou International School
Hangzhou International School

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"The key to a good arrival is a good departure, no matter where you go in the world."

Hangzhou International School is committed to supporting students, parents, and faculty with transition between schools. With over 50 nationalities represented in our diverse international community, we appreciate the unique challenges around mobility, transition, and emotional issues stemming from moving overseas. We endeavor to support all members of our community to ensure that they arrive, orient, integrate, and depart well.

HIS is proud to be the first member school of SPAN (Safe Passages Across Networks), a not-for-profit organization focused on transition care.

In 2022, we became the first official SPAN Member School, and we are the only SPAN member school in China offering transition support for students, teachers, and families. Partnering with SPAN reinforces our position as a pioneer in pastoral care, ensuring the highest standards of care for our students, parents, carers, faculty, and the wider community.

We collaborate with esteemed organizations such as FIGT (Families in Global Transition), and Globally Grounded, to extend support to all students, families, and faculty. These organizations create a network between international schools to address the emotional issues and needs of individuals. Whether arriving, orienting, integrating, or departing, HIS provides a dedicated Counseling Team and a Student Support Services Team to support our community throughout their entire journey in Hangzhou. 

For questions regarding transitions, please contact Upper School Counselor and School Psychologist, Dr. Ryan Bull-Beddows